Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Happy Sunnyday

I have not blogged for 19 days. I didn't realize that it had been that long until Linda B. G. wrote me and asked why I haven't been blogging lately. She was concerned that it was because of something going-on but I guess I just didn't feel all that inspired to write of late. Thank you for giving me the inspiration to write again. One of my main reasons for not writing is that I have vowed to try to stay off of Facebook for the most part. I will still check-in when out-and-about to try to promote places I like and denounce the ones that I do not but Facebook is a time-suck. I guess I will use Facebook to advise when a new blog is ready so I guess I am part of the problem and part of the solution. I did have one thing happen last week that was a bit disconcerting. I was up bright-and-early and ready to leave the house for my day at 05:30 and I fell and cracked my head open on the kitchen counter. I had not taken one of my medicines for one day and I attribute it to that. The small bump is there above my left eye but the scab fell off and, unless you were looking for the bump, you probably would just think it was part of my regular Frankenstein face.

I have been taking care of my parents on most of my free days. I am not even sure that I wrote here about my mom being in the hospital for three or four days. The family and I went and visited her there a few times and I was there when she got released. My dad is not doing very well physically so I go over to their house and take them to the store and their various doctors' appointments. I will probably call today to see what days/times my services will be needed. I have to work replacing the garbage disposal and mowing the lawn into tomorrow and Tuesday. Maybe I will end-up mowing the lawn later today after our weekly trek to Fatty's. Our weekly trek to Fatty's wound-up being to The Turf Room instead last week.

Last night Cha Cha went out for dinner and to see Star Trek Beyond. The movie was very, very, very action-packed. I am not really even sure I knew exactly what was going on most of the time but I like shoot-em-up stuff even if it is with Phasers or Klingon Disrupters or Deathstings or whatever. I really like Chris Pine as Captain Kirk. There was also a scene insinuating that Mr. Sulu is a homosexual. I had heard that rumor and that George Takei (the homosexual actor who played Sulu in the original series) thought that was stupid but it was there anyway. And, we saw Ghostbusters the previous week. Ghostbusters was pretty good (fun) though it was very similar to the original one. There were small cameos by the original living Ghostbusters and there was even a small tribute to Harold Ramis. I was sad that Rick Moranis was not included. Maybe he was and I just missed him? But, Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray, Annie Potts, Sigourney Weaver and Dan Ackroyd were all there. I was pleasantly surprised that Kristin Wiig didn't drive me nits like she usually does. Leslie Jones was my favorite though - I love her irreverence and humor. I have to admit that the original was much better but, had the original not existed for comparison, this would have been a good movie. I also heard that there is a script for  new Ghostbusters but Bill Murray refuses to do it; that is probably a good decision, in all actuality.

Cha Cha and I are sitting on the patio enjoying the nice weather listening to the John Fogherty Pandora station. We are going to see him in Las Vegas next month. Jill is very excited. I am excited too but I have been to Las Vegas several times. When I am out there most of the locals even call me Mr. Vegas. I love to gamble. I am pretty good at it because I always expect to lose and, happily, I am pleasantly disappointed in that endeavor more often than not.
A dead commie may be the best choice

I am so done with politics so I will probably not write anything about politics for a long time - maybe forever. I am not happy with any of the choices we have right now for POTUS. I will vote, as I always do, but I will not promote either of the mainstream candidates running to be our President. I just have to figure which of the choices is the lesser of two weevils. Is Gus Hall running again this time? I just looked and he died in 2000 so I guess I will have to write him in?

I am excited that The Night Of and The Jim Gaffigan Show are on tonight. Could not be more polar-opposites as far as shows but I have very bi-polar likes and dislikes.

Okay, I blogged and I have to get some other things done. It is nice sitting on the patio writing with the sun shining on me and the birds chirping. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will try not to be such a blog stranger. I will probably write again tomorrow. Have a great Sunday and I hope you are having the weather that I am having here right not. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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