Monday, July 4, 2016

Baseball and Fireworks and Mark Twain - Happy Birthday 'Merica!

Denkinger must have had bets laid on the Royals
Before I forget I have to get this off of my chest - I HATE THAT MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL NOW HAS INSTANT REPLAY. Baseball is my favorite sport to watch and was always my favorite to play but part of the excitement is the close plays and close calls. If they were gonna start it why couldn't they have started it in 1985 when St. Louis was robbed of the World Series championship by a terrible call by umpire Don Denkinger. And, when there is a play challenge, a call has to be made to New York City at THE REPLAY COMMAND CENTER (yes, that is what they really call it). It's like that stupid old show Deal Or No Deal. Maybe the replay is to sell more commercial time and drag games out even longer to sell beer and peanuts and Cracker Jacks at the ballparks? Now we're lucky "if we ever get back."

Last night I watched Pride of the Yankees and the words were on the television screen. Lou Gehrig's (Gary Cooper) mom said to young Lou (of baseball) after he hit a ball through a window, "it's not the money, it's the time that you waste." The words on the television screen read, "it the tiny waist." That kind of changes the entire movie as I remember it. I love that Babe Ruth plays himself in this movie.

I am so tired of a-holes setting-off their own fireworks. Fireworks, on a whole, are pretty stupid and wasteful now that I think of it. Couldn't we use the money spent on fireworks shows and the like and do something altruistic with the money spent on this kind of stuff? Maybe they could use the money for glass eyes and prosthetic limb research for people who have been injured? I bet The Disney Company alone could stop poverty and hunger in half of the world if they put the money they spend on fireworks toward helping people. I have nothing against Disney - that was just the first thing that came to mind. I was curious what Sammy Clemens had to say about fireworks so I consulted one of my favorite books, The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain, and he said, "statistics show that we lose more fools on this day (4th of July) than in all other days of the year put together. This proves, by the number left in stock, that one Fourth of July per year is now inadequate, the country has grown so." I get my smart-ass side from him though, as I wrote in the blog yesterday, I keep a lot of that for the private performance in my mind these days.

The current Presidential campaign is bringing-out a lot of things I didn't know about a lot of people. There are many people that I know personally that I have discovered are more prejudice than I have known. That our country (as we know it today) was started by immigrants (even though we didn't seem to offer the same respect for the native people who lived here when out forefathers and foremothers arrived here) should make us, by tradition, much more tolerant and acceptable of people from other backgrounds and beliefs and personal preferences. It also saddens me that forefathers is a word but spell-check says that foremothers is not a word. I cannot tolerate any kind of profiling based on gender, race, religion, sexual-orientation... I think this current climate of campaigning is bringing a lot of this hatred to light again. I just deleted someone as a Facebook friend because of a post to this effect. I do not wish to see this kind of hatred and I will root it out when I see it even if that simply means unfriending someone. They will probably never even know that I did it but there is enough negativity around with me bringing it in myself by leaving that door (or window) open. Today being Independence Day in America should remind us of why we are here on this continent.

I am so happy that we have all the yard work done so I don't have to ache my bones (shiver me timbers) more today. I need today to recover my aches and pains. I think I will end now to enjoy some time with Cha Cha solving the world's problems. Have a great day and, if you're in U S and A, make sure to keep all of your phalanges in tact. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out) TA!

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