Friday, May 6, 2016

The Super Mega Friday Extravagansblog!

I love that the The St. Louis Cardinals were on ESPN yesterday afternoon after the water heater was installed. I ate lunch and watched the game. I let it get quite a bit ahead so I could fast forward through a lot of the time-killing talk and the commercials. I believe that is the first Cardinals game that I have seen all season. I have listened to almost every game on the AtBat app on my phone but this is the first one I caught with my eyes. It was also nice that they beat the Phillies. I listened to the game on my phone the previous night and they won that one too. Hopefully, they are turning things around. They have scored more runs than any other Major League Baseball team so far this season (162) but, apparently, they are either scoring them all in the same games or not scoring enough when their opponents score. It will all sort itself out but The Chicago Cubs are still looking really good. Incidentally, the Cubs are the second highest scoring team in the Majors right now. The Cardinals' team batting average is higher than the Cubs' average too - the season is still very young I keep telling myself.

I woke-up exhausted this morning. I had a dream that I had been participating in a hostage situation at The University of Illinois. I was not sure if it was just a training exercise or there was actually a hostage/terrorist threat on the campus. No MATTer which it was I woke-up more tired than when I had gone to bed. It wasn't even a real thing it was just a dream. I suppose our minds do not know the difference since they are experiencing the same stimuli either way. Stupid brains!
Mother's Day is only two days away now. It looks like we are going to a local restaurant with my parents and Cha Cha's brother and his wife along with Splenda and Andy. Most of the people who will be there are orphans now. The only three with parents alive will be Splenda, Andy and I. So, it is more like Orphan's Day than Mother's Day, really. Fabio will not be able to attend as he has an eight-hour shift that day.

Tomorrow will be the last weekly visit to Woodstock for Cha Cha and I as I will be working Saturdays starting next week. At least we get one more week and it sounds like it will be good weather this Saturday. We will have to figure-out a new date ritual / day... It looks like we may start with Sunday evenings in Geneva. Perhaps we will even check that out this Sunday? But I don't know if I could handle excitement two days in a row.

I am hearing many people calling this upcoming Presidential election "negative partisanship." What that means is rather than voting for the party you support people will be voting against the party they dislike more. People will vote for Trump because they don't want Clinton as President and people will vote for Clinton because they don't want Trump as President. I think, at this point, it really is important who they pick as their running-mates. Bernie Sanders may help Hillary. I know Donald said he would pick John Kasich but Kasich has already said he would not accept that position with Trump. It sounds like Trump is talking about Ted Cruz as his V.P. candidate now. Rand Paul? Whatever happens it will be tabloid-worthy entertainment with our country's world reputation and position on the line. No big deal!

I wish we could go back to the days when we had very limited television and radio stations played music and our worlds were smaller. I realize we cannot go back but, when these things all exploded, the planet (at the very least, the United States) lost its innocence. I remember even the 1970's being a much different time. Perhaps I have changed a lot and I just notice these things now and they were always there but I do not think so. I could just be older and crabbier and pickier and it is my age that has just changed my perspective. Whatever it is I don't care for it much.

Enough gas from me for today. I am going to have a salad and then go to the supermarket. It is odd that they have called grocery stores for most of my life and there are now super stores. I wonder what the next phase of large grocery stores will be called. Thank you for stopping by and reading some things that you agree with and some that you don't agree with and others that you just ask, "huh?" I hope you have a great day - it looks like it will be a good one here today. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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