Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sundae Blogger!

Tomorrow will have been a weeks since I have blogged. Now I am a Sunday Blogger I suppose. I remember, from when I was a yute, hearing adults saying people were Sunday drivers. I never understood that as a kid but, I supposed that it meant they were taking their time, driving slowly and enjoying the scenery rather than hustling and bustling. Maybe Sundays was the day of the week when people could just take their time rather than hurrying to punch the time clock? I wish we would all be able to do that a little more thee days if that is the true definition.

Over this past week I have met A LOT of new people. People from every ethnic group and every age group and people with every possible shoe size and jacket size and inseam. I like meeting new people. I have met quite a few people who think everything is about them. I must admit that I was guilty of that for quite some time but now I am more of a listener than a personal public relations firm. Hard to believe from a guy who has already written the word "I" thirteen times so far in this blog not including the one just typed. It is difficult to find a different word to use for one's self each time referring to said self. Most of us have heard the phrase, "we were given two ears and one mouth so we could listen twice as often as we talk." The person writing this blog right now has been trying to practice that mantra but it is more difficult for some than others. It took this typist a bit to finally grasp this but now he is better for it he thinks.

It is nice to be on my three-day weekend. Everyone should be on three-day weekends every week. It is nice just adding two hours (from eight to ten) to each of four days to make the 40 to have an additional day off. It is only 06:01 and my tiredness from the week has already washed away. It is probably more about attitude than anything else. Almost everything in life is more about attitude than anything else probably.

This afternoon Cha Cha and I are heading off to Geneva for what we had been doing in Woodstock every Saturday for the past three or four months. My new schedule made it impossible to go yesterday as we had been doing for quite some time (I am not sure if using the word "me" makes it less about "I" and more about "me").
Not sure "weather" to take a golf cart or a canoe for this water hazard
The backyard needs to be mowed. Not sure whether to do it today (the only full day I have with Cha Cha this week) or wait until tomorrow or Tuesday. The weather (rain and temperatures) lately make me think I should get it done whenever I can which means today. The golf course closest to us in town, River Heights, is almost completely under water from all of the rain. It is supposed to be partly sunny today and tomorrow and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer than today so I think tomorrow may be lawn mowing day. I don't mind mowing the lawn. There are few things that we can do in life that we immediately see the the amazing results like mowing our lawns. Plus, the walking behind the mower helps us get some extra exercise. Isn't it nice (and amazing) how the modern technologies make us want to get more steps? We were always told and led to believe that technology would make us fatter and lazier when, for many many of us, it has done quite the opposite. We certainly are a resilient species aren't we?

Okay, enough from me for today. Blogging should probably happen again tomorrow because the withdrawal was getting pretty severe with the writer of this one though he kept himself more than occupied in other ways. Thank you for coming back after the mini hiatus. I cannot say or blog that this will not happen every week but maybe less is more in this case as in many others, I hope you have a great rest of you weekend. TTTT (most likely)...MITM (out) TA!

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