Sunday, May 22, 2016


 I have been thinking like a Buddhist all my life if this is Buddhism 
It's Sunday morning at 08:33 and Cha Cha and I have been sitting on the patio for about an hour or so. It is already 70 degrees out and it is supposed to be around 80 degrees later on. We will be going to Geneva again this afternoon so it will be nice weather to take a longer walk in Wheeler Park this week with a picnic lunch. Th lunch will not walk, you understand, unless we eat that before we begin strolling. Then, of course, the salad will be inside of us and, of course, the salad will walk-along by circumstance.

If you have been following the blog for while you know that Jill and I had been going to Woodstock, IL every Saturday morning for quite some time. Then, when my life's schedule changed, we started going to Geneva last week. We will go there every Sunday no until who knows when? I never revealed why we went to Woodstock every week. I was ready to tell everyone right away but I respected Cha Cha's wishes and waited until she was ready to let the cat out of the bag. Well, she told some of the people at her work on Friday and now I have been given toe green light to spill-it too. She says that almost all the people she told thought it was pretty cool and there were one or two that gave disapproving looks. I know this build-up is making it seem ominous or foreboding or something but it is not. We started going to The Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple for meditation. I think it has really
helped both of us a great deal. For me, it has helped me let the little things go and let me let other people be in charge of their own journeys and let me focus on mine alone. I believe I am calmer now, I believe I am more quite and introspective, I don't judge people or things or situations nearly as much as I did before, I am far less materialistic... I feel that I am a better person and I feel I get better each day. Buddhism isn't really a religion in the sense that many people are used to but, I guess, anything that we do can become "religious" can't it? I have learned, just recently, that there are quite a few famous people that are Buddhists. Of course, we all know about Richard Gere but there is also: Jerry Seinfeld, Orlando Bloom, David Bowie, Uma Thurman, Rosa Parks, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Alex Rodriguez, Dennis Weaver, Herbie Hancock, Tiger Woods, Keanu Reeves, Leonard Cohen, Oliver Stone, Sting (Gordon Matthew Sumner), Marcia Wallace,Tina Turner, Bill Clinton... I could go on for a long time but you get the idea. Incidentally, I did not know these people were all practicing Buddhism until I researched it - I am not meditating to be like the rich and famous. Even if I stop practicing in a brick and mortar facility I will continue to meditate and try to become better and better each day. The breathing techniques I have learned have helped me in many, many ways.
 This one is not even as big as many BIG ASS FANS as I have seen 

Within the past few weeks I became aware of one of my favorite companies ever -  Big Ass Solutions. I love the Big Ass Fans especially. They really call a spade a spade. These fans could turn our Fiat into a helicopter I believe. That makes me think that we have been thinking Buddhist much longer than we have been meditating - the Fiat has ecology plates with the tag reading EXIST. I am so easily entertained and amused I guess. I am like a ten-year-old when I see the words BIG ASS FAN written on the blades of a big-ass fan.

Tomorrow I have to mow the lawn and change a natural gas line for the drier. Cha Cha says she smells gas in the laundry room and, though I do not, I will switch-out the line. When I checked the line is pretty taught since I stacked the washer and drier and I certainly would like to err on the side of caution. I will get a longer line and that should be a pretty easy thing to do. I hope those don't turn-out to be famous last blog words. I also have to fix the vine above the overhead garage door. The wind and the winter did quite a number on it and the fines are starting to grow pretty well and we don't want our garage door to look like a briar patch though it would be a cool driving through vines to get to the hidden Matt Cave in The Black Maria (I never understood why that was spelled Maria but pronounced Mariah).

It is now 10:29. My services were required in the backyard for some of the heavy lifting and rusted screw removal. I am glad I have the talents of being able to lift heavy things unscrew tight screws or I might be put on the curb some Thursday night for a Friday morning pick-up for a free right to Mount Trashmore.

I am happy to see that the St. Louis Cardinals seem to be coming-around. They are still in the toughest division in baseball so far this season with the Chicago Cubs jumping out of the starting gates pretty well and the Pittsburgh Pirates playing well too. I may try to get to a Sunday. Monday or Tuesday game at Wrigley Field this season when the Cards are in town. I must say that I like just watching games in my living room. The Cubs and the Cardinals start a three-game series tomorrow in St. Louis. The first two are night games and the one on Wednesday is a day game that I will be unable to watch live. I guess I will DVR it and watch it when I get home that night. It may still be gong by the time I get home? The birds are seven games being the baby bears so a sweep would be very helpful. No MATTer what these two teams always come to play when the meet-up.

Okay, I am going to wrap-up and head back out to see where my might needs to be used. I hope you have a great Sunday and the weather is good for you wherever you may roam. Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to blogging to you again tomorrow between my honeydews. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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