Monday, May 23, 2016

I Am Bushed - What in the Helser Does that Even Mean?

  So now I have to be mindful to be mindful, ARRGGHH  

My friend of 40+ years, Ed (you know who you are), posted something on Facebook about how 58-year-olds shouldn't spend all day fixing lawn sprinklers... I can so associate with this even at a mere 52. I am so sore this morning from quite a few things that I have done over the past few weeks. I also had a very stressful nightmare last night. It was one of those dreams that repeats itself infinitum which did not end until I woke up with an extremely dry mouth and crusty eyes. I have not had one of those kinds of dreams in a very long time. I am a worrier, always have been always will be, and I am sure that is the root of this nightmare. I really have nothing to be worried about but I imagine this is our mind's and/or body's way of working things out so our issues either don't carry over to our days or so we can work them out in a blog or by talking to someone about them and letting them go. I thank you for helping me to let this one go and I especially thank Ed for helping me to help myself in letting this go. We never really know what we are going to do or say that might impact someone else in a small or even a sever way. I will try to remain mindful of that today and, hopefully, beyond. I will probably also have to take a nap today after mowing and building another section or fence and grocery shopping and whatever else I wrote on that list yesterday. Yes, there will be a nap in there somewhere even if it doesn't come until 22:00 tonight.

Since the last paragraph I have mowed the yard, reworked the fire pit a bit per Cha Cha's specifications / recommendation (and, as usual, her vision was 100% spot-on), I reattached the vines above the garage door that had been beaten-up a bit my Old Man and Young Woman Winter (never refer to any women as old - NOT ANY!). I think it is really cool that we have two birds' nests in those vines now and the one is actually currently being used as I saw the birds exiting it when I began their remodel. It is a very wise place for nests (and they aren't even owls): pretty much blocked from the wind, just about six wing-flaps away from daily food supply by the Tiki Room, near people who would never harm them intentionally and would even defend them from predators, about six escape routes from trouble... Birds are pretty damn smart; they have evolved quite a bit from when they were dinosaurs (especially in size). I cannot even imagine having to rework dinosaur nests.
It looks much better installed and with a gate

It is just now 11:01 and I have a few other things I need to attend to: I need to go get two more sections of three-foot tall decorative fence and one gate so Jeff doesn't bother the neighbors as much this summer as they have their pool open now. It will also save some of our yard from his constant, destructive digging. I wish I could get him to use his digging more constructively to help put in those gate sections and plant flowers and bushes. He loves to herd things like water mist and smoke... So, Cha Cha bought him a battery-powered bubble maker that we have on a hammock post in the backyard. Splenda video taped him attacking the bubbles yesterday - you can see it on Jeff's Facebook page (that red underlined part is a link to his page). Splenda also tied to teach him how to turn it on and off by himself but he is not that mechanical; perhaps he is still sore about evolution over-looking canines in the opposable thumb department. I would hold a grudge about that one too I suppose.

I am gonna break again now to do some of my errands. I will be back soon to wrap today's blog up. It will seem like only seconds to you as I am like greased lighting. BRB...

Well, my goodness it is now 16:47. I went to Target and Lowe's and Menard's and then I came home and put in the new section of fence that I bought at Menard's. It was not as easy as I had hoped. Since the sections I added are on the swail the ground was not level I had to did a few trenches so the fence would work and the water would have to problem reaching the storm sewer. My back hurts quite a bit but it has for quite some time. Cha Cha says it is from texting and typing so much but I think it is from the work that I have been doing in the yard and elsewhere for the past few weeks. 
Walter White, Hal or Lyndon Baines Johnson?

I have on the HBO movie All The Way starring Bryan Cranston as President Lyndon Baines Johnson working on the Civil Rights Bill following John Fitzgerald Kennedy's assassination. I guess Cranston played LBJ on Broadway too. He is very convincing as President Johnson. I have always been interested in this era as Kennedy was President for a couple of months at the beginning of my life. Quite a bit happened during Johnson's presidency. No matter his reasons for pushing civil rights through it was a great things. Unfortunately, there are still many narrow-minded people in the world who think that their race or gender or political views or any one of hundreds of different things that people can disagree about are more valid than any other person's opinion. We all know we are right about everything but that is not possible if we disagree on things. We can believe what we believe and we can let other people what they believe and we can just get along knowing that our differences are what makes us who we are. 
I have loved Brian Cranston in just about everything I have ever seen him in. Did you know that, in the television show Malcolm In The Middle where he played the dad
(Hal) they never said what their last name was. There was one episode, however, when Francis wore a shirt with the last name, Wilkerson, on it. But, since it was Francis, it may have been a stolen shirt or a stolen name badge. Anybody who knows me well knows that I love trivia. That is a bit of Matt In The Middle trivia for you.

Okay, I am going to end this and hit the play button on the DVR because the DIRECTV loco is just floating aimlessly across the screen ever since I paused it to write unencumbered. Thanks for stopping by. I will blog again tomorrow after I weigh-in. I think I lost weight again this week so I will probably keep it that way until right after I weigh-in. Have a great night sleeping with the windows open again. Blog to you tomorrow... MITM (out) TA!

Be Well, Be Happy, Be Peaceful (now you know what that is all about too don't you?) TA!

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