Friday, May 9, 2014


Sadly, I look a lot like Fred these days
I just got done mowing the lawn. Our damn lawnmower wouldn't start so I was out there with one of those old-timey ones that you actually have to work hard to use and my neighbor Kevin came over to give me a hard time about making every else look bad by being so "green" using the environmentally-friendly pain-in-the-ass mower. When I told him the real reason I was using it he offered to let me use his mower. I normally don't like to use other people's things and I am not really sure why. But, after mulch got stuck in the blades of the one I was using for the twelfth time I was just about ready to go buy some goats so, I used his mower. I cannot help but think about Fred Flintstone's mower when I think of the old-fangled one I was using.

Just a quick poison update. My right knee is slowly beginning to resemble the left one. While I was working on our lawnmower, trying to get it to run, I was down on by left knee and I could really feel how swollen it is. It looks swollen but I could really feel the fluid in the knee. I think I may be turning into an alligator because my skin in these areas feels like alligator skin. Maybe after my transformation Cha Cha can throw a leash around my neck and I can mow the lawn next time with my chompers. I am a bit concerned that the rash on the inside of my left leg is spreading to my nether regions. It's weird how Jeff sniffs by wounds all the time.  How ironic would it be, after writing about Joseph Merrick yesterday,  if it goes all the way up to my stones and I get Elephantitis (Lymphatic Filariasis) in me yarbles?
Not really sure what these are but I have my suspicions

We have to record the podcast tonight so I can edit it tomorrow and Sunday and get it to you on Monday. I don't feel very creative right now so, hopefully, something will change. If not, the show will be just like the previous 153 shows. I will BRB. I have to take clothes out of the dryer and fold them and start a new load in the washer.

Cha Cha is at lunch with her high school Journalism teacher. We ran into her one day when we were having lunch and they set up a lunch date. That's a lot of lunch isn't it? It was cool to hear that she listens to Dirty Laundry Podcast.

You know what? I didn't take my blood pressure medicine today. I am supposed to take one tablet in the morning and one twelve hours later. So, now what do I do? Take one now at 15:15 and another at 03:15 tomorrow morning? Just wait and take the one at 18:00 and forget about the one I missed? I can always tell when I forget because I call start feeling me heart beat. I think I will just wait two or three hours and just skip the one this morning. I am a mess.

What a beautiful day. A bit windy but the temperature is right where I like it. At the moment it is 68 degrees Fahrenheit - almost perfect! I think I am gonna wrap it up and go enjoy the weather. I have to run to the store and get some gravel and dirt. I should pay the water bill too. I think I may get some Epsom Salts and take a dip with those too or do you suppose the old "salt in the wounds" thing is not such a good idea? Have a great rest of your Friday and your weekend. I will probably not write again until Monday if I should live that long. TTTM...MITM (out) TA!

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