Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I Feel the Need...the Need to Blog!

It's one of the cooler looking elements
Starting to feel a bit better today. I do, however, think I am coming down with a cold now. I suppose my
immunities have been down so I was probably susceptible to stuff and then going to "Convenient Care" twice? Maybe a bad combination. If you don't want to get sick stay away from sick people. I just made a chopped salad and added a can of tuna. So, I will either get healthier or die from mercury poisoning. I am going to try to run the whole gamut of poisons in the little time I have left on this marble. I wasn't sure if I should have capitalized "mercury poisoning." Out of respect I almost capitalized the M for the planet though mercury is also an element (Hg - element #80). It is the name of something (a proper noun) so there is that too.

Yesterday I mentioned that I am playing one of my favorite Chicago local radio/television personalities in Words With Friends. I don't think I mentioned that he is one of my favorites but I am not really sure that I knew that then. But, I have been a big fan of his off-and-on for about 20 years so, I think that constitutes a "big fan." I figured we would be one-and-done. But, I beat him 333 to 332 in the first game and he "challenged me again." He started off the new game with "PADDLES" with like 66 points. I guess the kidding around is pretty much over. I sent him a message that I now know how The Cardinals must have felt yesterday (being behind by so much with little hope of a win). I failed to mention that I am a Cardinals' fan. I will wait until game six or seven before I spring that one on him. I figure no MATTer what happens with this game we will have to do, at least, a third game. It will either be the "rubber game" which it appears that it will be since I am behind 163 - 98 in what is probably the third inning or, he will want some revenge. My badge number at work is #98 though - it could be a sign? However, he worked at a station that was basically 98 for quite awhile so, maybe that is in his favor too?

I am really liking this cold, damp weather. I should live in London. I would consider moving there if I spoke their native tongue. I don't like the real cold and I don't like the real hot; I am Matt In The Middle you know! I like it being chilly on work nights because I like wearing my jacket to work. Probably for the same reason that, as a child, my favorite animal was the kangaroo. Kangaroos and my jacket both have a quality that I love - POCKETS. Yes, I like to play pool too. I guess I still like kangaroos a great deal too now that I blog about it.
These are the exact shoes I had in 8th grade

My buddy Greg pointed-out to me that my plans to get off work on Thursday morning at 06:00 and jump on a train to Chicago to watch the 12:45 game between the Cubs and Cardinals had a few flaws. Well, one major one anyway. The game is in St. Louis. There has been a lot of talk about a super train to travel between Chicago and St.Louis. The trip could only take 90 minutes if they get it right. But, there are lots of hold-ups with that right now. If that were the case I could even get a job in St. Louis. Probably in the Redbirds' front office. It will be a lot cheaper and more convenient to just watch it here anyway.

Today is Top Gun Day. It was just Star Wars Day on the 5th of May (May The Fourth be with you). May first was May Day. This month has all of the aviation holidays. Star Wars Day makes sense, sort of, but Top Gun Day doesn't appear to have any reason to be today. Most would say that Top Gun doesn't really deserve a day at all. I just checked topgunday.com and they don't even have a reason that today is Top Gun Day. The movie was released on May 16th in 1986? Sounds like a bunch of drunk morons screwed the pooch based on their site. I think "screwed the pooch" might be from a much better film though - The Right Stuff.

I have to do another load of laundry, finish dinner for Fabio and clean the kitchen before hitting the rack before work. Thanks a lot for the fly-by. I hope you have a great night. I should be able to blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (buggin' out) TA!

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