Friday, May 2, 2014

Matty the Black-Nosed Blogger...

But it's healing!
Just to mention it quickly - the leg seems to be on the mend. The little scabby things are drying up and falling off. I am sure Jeff will eat them if they drop off as I walk. While I was sleeping last night I awoke with crazy itching and put more Benadryl on and went back to sleep. When I was young my parents always said that the itching meant it was healing. I have never checked that out but it is probably bologna. Every now and then I think about things I was told by my parents and grandparents and other grow-ups and wonder if these things are true. I don't even think to check them out now that I have this little keyboard in front of me that can find the answer to any question that I may have. But, then again, the people who put that answer there could very well be someone else's parent or grandparent that are just as full of crap as anyone else. We just take things as Gospel as kids. Weird that now, as an adult, I realize the Gospels are pretty much just made-up or parables or amalgams (or is it amalga?) too.

I took Jeff to the Dog Park at Katz Park. I always have to say where it is because the irony is not lost on me. I wonder if the cats hangout at Dogz Park? There was one other guy there with his dog. That is one of my favorite things (pretty much one of the only things) I like about working nights. I can do stuff during the day on my days off (or even on my "nights") and there are usually less people. Anyway as we approached I felt bad for this poor dog because Jeff was going to have to focus all of his humping on this one poor dog. Jeff was a perfect gentledog; he did not try to hump this dog one time. So, Jeff is either: a gentledog, this dog was not his type (very unlikely considering that he has humped almost every other dog he has ever seen at this park) or he is homosexual. This dog, Mora, was a female. I know for sure now, as I was about 90% sure, it is all about male dominance. I threw the Frisbee for awhile but the wind was terrible so it was cold and the Frisbee didn't fly very well so we packed-up after about a half-hour. I had him on his leash ready to leave and another dog showed-up. The owner and the dog came in as we were headed out and I let Jeff stop to smell this dog (supposedly their way of saying "hello" - see previous paragraph to find out why this might be false). This was obviously a male dog because they started going round-and-round trying to hump each other so now I would say I am sure about 98%. I guess human males do the same thing in more subtle ways. Luckily, I am and the other side of MIDDLEage now and I don't really want to be the dominant one. Maybe it just took me this long to realize how stupid that crap is. If something terrible goes down I want to be able to blame somebody else for not protecting the rest of us.
I know I have mentioned that one of my favorite war stories (I think this one would be considered a mini-series or an "even" or something) is Band of Brothers. I also like Saving Private Ryan a great deal. I have heard about The Pacific several times when it was first made and I thought it looked good too. It was made for HBO and I did not have HBO at the time. I think my parents still call it HMO (they are the ones who told me that itching means healing). I just discovered that it is on HBO GO and, coincidentally, I have HBO GO. Similar to Band of Brothers (also on HBO GO), put together by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg (of Saving Private Ryan...) and I can get it on my computer and phone without any extra scratch (pun intended)? No-brainer so I am qualified. Well, I started watching that last night while convalescing. I am on episode #3 now. Maybe I watch war movies now to prove my male dominance, huh? It is very much like Band of Brothers probably because it is made by the same people. The main difference is, instead of based in the Europen theater, it is in...wait for it...The Pacific! I also like that there are not many actors that I do not already know; the only one of the main characters that I have even recognized so far is Jon Bernthal who played Shane in The Walking Dead. It sometimes distracts me when there are already well-known actors in movies. Private Ryan had lots of them - Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, Tom Sizemore (one of my favorites if he could only get his addictions under control), Giovanni Ribisi, Matt Damon, Barry Pepper (also one of my favorites), Ted Danson, Paul Giamotti, Vin Diesel, Dennis Farina... I am sure I am missing some. After listing them most are among some of my favorite actors. Maybe some of them weren't real well know then but most of those I listed were known. Also, the Pacific Ocean is one of my favorite oceans. So far it is really good, of course.
Now I sound like Rudolf the Black-Nosed Reindeer again

It's funny that I wasn't that stuffed-up (nasally) for the last three or four days. Now, that my leg is starting to feel better and I am on the steroids and antibiotics, my body is starting to get back to it's old crappy tricks. Today I am stuffed-up again. My ears feel better though so I think the infections there are diminished if not completely gone. The new meds are working much better.

We will record Dirty Laundry Podcast today and I hope to have it up by Monday. Thanks a lot for stopping-by. I hope you have a great Friday. Frankly, I have mixed feelings about Fridays these days. I probably won't blog tomorrow since I will want to get the podcast edited. Who knows? I may surprise both you and I. TTTIBY (I Blog You)...MITM (out) sniffle, sniffle.

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