Thursday, May 29, 2014

Irony Does Not Exist - Don't Ya Think?

I am not always sure what is irony, what is coincidence or what is unfortunate most of the time. Alanis Morissette's song Ironic speaks about what he calls "ironic" but I think most of those things aren't really irony they're just sucky and unfortunate. How is "rain on your wedding day" ironic? Winning the lottery and dying the next day is just sucky. At least you had a great last day. I believe irony is getting the new Overton's catalog in the mail the same day you sell your boat. Or, is that just coincidence and circumstance. Of course, if your gonna sell you boat it would be right after the weather turns because that is boating season. And, of course you'd get a boating catalog at the beginning of boating season. I say coincidence and circumstance. Irony doesn't really exist.

Today is my one day off this week (except for the six hours I already worked today). After I get done writing this I will probably sleep for three or four hours and then, if the rain holds out, I will mow the lawn again. It has cooled-off quite a bit so mowing should be pleasant. I have to clean the garage for the Spring/Summer but that will probably be another day. Jeff and I will probably go for a walk/jog. I am thinking about taking him to the Frisbee golf park. I bet that will drive him loony if there are Frolfers out there. I think Frisbee golf is called Frolf sometimes so I am just guessing the participants would be frolfers, right. I may be making that up. If I am wrong then it should be called Frolf and I will take credit for coining that word. FROLF (patent pending/trademark/copyright if that word doesn't already exist).

I cannot believe I have to go to bed now for a few hours and then go to bed again about 2000 or 2100 to get back to work in 20 hours. And then, the next night my next week begins. I really need to find a day job that pays less than I am making with weekends off. Maybe I should buy an ice cream truck and hope summer gets here. Then, what do I do in the winter? Make it a hot chocolate and freshly baked cookie truck? Nobody has hot chocolate trucks.

The calendar on my phone tells me that today would have been John F. Kennedy's birthday. Thank goodness the phone included the "F" so I didn't confuse this with John Dinkenstein Kennedy's birthday. How come we celebrate dead celebrities' birthdays? Do we celebrate our dead relatives' birthdays? I barely remember my parent' birthdays and they are both still alive. Thank goodness for Facebook so we know when people's birthdays are. He would have been dead of old age by now anyway so, we can stop celebrating it. He would have been 97 years old if my bad math is correct. Can you imagine JFK at 97? Me neither. The only President that will good old will be Barack Obama. You know it's true! If I need to tell you the reason I will but you should know.

Alright, it's 1019 now and I have to sleep so I can mow the lawn. Or, should I just mow the lawn now and sleep after that? I am really beat. I think I will sleep until about 1400 and then mow and the eat and sleep again and go back to work. Have a great Thursday. Thanks a lot for slowing shown a few minutes to read this. TTTT (probably)...MITM (zzzzzzz) TA!

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