Wednesday, May 21, 2014

An Idiot is Usually Happy!

I try to be happy most of the time. I have come to the conclusion, finally, that I am an idiot. It took me quite a long time to realize this or, actually I have suspected it for quite some time, but now I am just ready to embrace the fact. They say idiots are happy most of the time because they don't know any better. I am fine with this epiphany. I feel a little guilty that not everyone can be as dumb as me; there is so much less pressure now - maybe I am smarter than I think? I may just be thinking happy as tonight is my Friday morning and, because of that, tomorrow morning is my Friday night...

The new Dirty Laundry Podcast is ready. I was able to edit the entire show in one day. When the show is only an hour long I can get it up in one day (TWHS) when I begin editing. Maybe one day we will do the show live and I won't have to edit at all. I am fairly certain that will never actually occur. Podcasts are awesome because you can listen whenever it's convenient for you; live broadcasts do not have that flexibility. Many live shows are archived so you can listen later but, it isn't the same.

I have to go back to the doctor again. Now that my poisoning is in remission I am now suffering from the probable ear infection(s). I feel like I have swimmer's ear most of the time. It could be allergies? I have my yearly "we want to stick a camera with a long tube up your butt" appointment soon. It may be tomorrow but I am not sure. I always count on them to call me and remind me of my appointments. Wow, I just checked my calendar, on my phone, and I actually added it to the calendar. It's not until June 19th.

Remember last week I wrote about my yearly lawnmower woes? Well, today was the day I was going to take it into the man to get it fixed and get his loaner. Whenever I am taking something into the shop for anything I ALWAYS give it one last try to see if I can pinch-a-penny. I worked on the lawnmower for quite awhile last week with no luck. Today I pulled the ripcord a couple of times and I got a bit of false hope. "I am going to give it three more yanks" I thought (the mower cord). The damn thing started. Whatever I did last week must have done the trick and, once it started, I had no choice but to mow the lawn. So, now I am back, slightly sweaty, and it's already 17:16. I am eating a bowl of turkey chili and then I am gonna hit the rack.

I am done for today. Thanks a lot for showing-up. And, thanks for listening to the show. Have a great night. I will certainly (that means more that 50% in this case) blog tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) Where are my keys? Oh, I didn't drive.TA!

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