Friday, November 29, 2013

Matt In The Bottom Middle? Or Top Bottom

Where the deer and The Agitator play 
I haven't had Wifi for several days which is why I haven't blogged in awhile. I am in Southern Illinois and the place we are staying is a cabin in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. The cabin is surrounded by  fields. There are only two other cabins within eye-shot (how come there is earshot but not eyeshot?). There was a fawn and it's mother (I cannot say "his" or "her" mother because I am new at being Grizzly Helser and without getting the critter up on the examining table I cannot tell which he/she is). Anyway, they didn't run from me. They just stood there and stared. The fawn did go near mama but they just stood there. I suppose next to Bigfoot I was not very intimidating.

My favorite part so far, other than being with my family and not having to work until Tuesday, has to be the outside Jacuzzi. I realize Jacuzzi is a brand name and I am not certain whether or not is actually a Jacuzzi but it is a hot tub. I have been outside in the hot tub for the last two nights and one morning so far. It is so cool (anti-pun intended) to be out in 20 degree weather in a swimsuit. The steam comes off the water and the lights on the tub change from red to purple to blue to green to yellow... But, at night those lights take a backseat to the millions of stars up above. There are no lights anywhere on the ground and there is no pollution so, other than when we were on the Big Island of Hawaii, they are the most amazing night skies I have ever seen. The crisp air with my frozen hair just add to the light show. I have not seen a shooting star yet but I am confident there will be at least one within the next few days.

Even for Big Foot (or Big Feet) hunters like me
You probably wonder, "how are you blogging now?" Well, I am at Starbucks about 45 minutes away from the cabin. I didn't come here specifically to blog; living like a backwoodsman just makes me be prepared and this worked out this way. I cannot find an electrical outlet so this may end abruptly. Just know that 80% I did not get killed - I just ran out of juice.

I think we are going to record Dirty Laundry Podcast tomorrow during the day from the cabin. It won't be up until Monday or Tuesday but we'll have it in the can (don't need the internet to record - just to edit and upload). If it doesn't come out I was probably killed by a grizzly bear or Mrs. Bigfoot made me her sex slave. If you never hear from me again figure it's the Mrs. Bigfoot one and write my story for me please. I bet she is insatiable. Or, like most females of each species, does not care for that activity anymore. I bet Mr. Bigfoot never compliments her on her hair or brings her flowers anymore.

I am at less than 1/2 a tank of power on the computer so I am going to end now. If this is the last thing you ever hear from me remember. The Other Matt I Knew: Helser The Bigfoot Hunter could be a nice working title for the book you write about me. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your weekend. I actually get a weekend on a weekend this week unless Bigfoot kills me before tomorrow. I may have to change my name to Stew if he eats me while I am in the hot tub.

TTT? (temporary Wifi or civilization). Thanks for stopping by. TTT Bigfoot poops me out...MITM (not as Middle as usual) OUT! TA!

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