Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Red Badge of Blogging

The Agitator and Big Jay
I am writing much earlier than usual and I am unprepared. I am also writing the blog on my iPod. I do not know why you need to know that but I am a blogger with full disclosure. Right now it is 1:29 AM though I will not post this until after about 6 AM.

This week's Dirty Laundry Podcast has kept me pretty busy this week. Who had any idea talking about guns in America was such a hot controversial topic? We are gonna try to stick to our usual comedy/infotainment kind of podcasts for the most part. Though this one is getting a lot of responses. We are gonna have to hire a couple of interns to handle our mail and be fact-checkers soon if it keeps up this way. I am listening to the show again while I write this.

(those previous two paragraphs were written last Thursday and I haven't had the opportunity to complete my thoughts since then but for full disclosure I felt I had to keep those paragraphs in here)

Now there is even another new Dirty Laundry Podcast complete. If you wait for this blog to tell you the podcast is done I apologize but now you have two to listen to.The new one is much more fun but the gun show was interesting I think. We learned a lot about ourselves and the show by doing it and I cannot say that we aren't going to deal with such hot topics in the future but one of our main purposes to do the show, besides us loving to do the show, was to help people escape their every day stresses and escape for a bit. It also helps us vent in a humorous way.

I just read that President Obama "unveils sweeping new gun control proposals." It's a lot easier to be President when you don't have to make everybody happy so you can get reelected in four years. I knew him being President for a second term (anybody in their second term) would make it possible do things for the betterment of the country without such a political agenda. Something needs to be done and now all the real fighting can begin so there may possibly be an end to the madness. I don't care one way another about guns but it pains me that people cannot live their lives without fear of being shot. If I wanted to have lived in the old west I would have been born earlier. I waited until things were cool like the 1960's. I imagine times aren't much different than they were then for the most part but we just know everybody else's business now with the 24-hour news cycle.

Some of the things President Obama is calling for in his proposal are: criminal background checks on all gun sales including private sales, the banning of military-type assault weapons, making penalties for gun trafficking more strict and limiting ammunition magazines to ten (which still seems excessive to me). I fear some kinds of uprising and minor revolts but that's what some people don't do when they don't get things their way; I have been guilty of that a few times in my day. Now I just blog or podcast about it and pout for awhile and then I realize how ridiculous I am. I hope this doesn't result in more violence but I fear that it may. I am wrong more than I am right so let's hope this is one of those times. It's funny that when I started writing this today The Andy Griffith Show was on (sheriff without a gun) and now I am watching Little House on the Prairie. I don't know why it is funny to me but these were simpler times. And, Andy Taylor and Charles Ingalls were able to do hard jobs and live in tough times without guns and violence for the most part. Now we have things so many ways easier but we feel we have to shoot each other.

For a person who says he isn't very political I sure do have a lot of opinions on political issues. I think of politics more as fighting than anything else and I don't like to fight. I am a blogger and a podcaster and a lover not a fighter. I feel like I am a sheriff without a gun a lot of times; trying to keep the peace without violence. Thanks a lot for stopping by to read the blog and for listening to the podcast; it does my heart good to think that maybe I can help people escape for awhile or know somebody else is just as confused as they are or even if it gives you a face to throw darts. Have a great night. It's Sunday morning right now for me. Less than a week until we have a new sixteen-year-old in the house and about two weeks before I am the father of a twenty-one-year old. Wow, where does the time go? TTTT (most likely)... MITM (out) P.S. I think I may be getting sick (arrrggghhhh)

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