Thursday, January 10, 2013

Que Seblog Seblog!

They already do. Please!
I know at one time a lot of people read this blog but I am not sure if that is the case anymore. It doesn't really MATTer whether people read the blog or not I suppose. I really write it mainly to write and I know since I have began writing this almost 800 blogs ago I have become a better person for many reasons and I know the blog helping me vent in my smart-ass manner is a huge part of that. That's also why there are so many errors and typos in the blog; I seldom even edit it... I write it and post it. Que Seblog Seblog! By writing the blog and doing Dirty Laundry Podcast I am not looking to support myself and my family financially that way but if the opportunity were to present itself it would be great to have ones job be something they love.

With that being said I have decided that the top candidate to replace Cha Cha should anything ever happen to her or between us is Dee Dee Meyers. Don't get your hopes up Dee Dee because Cha Cha and I are solid. Now, if anything suspicious ever happens to Cha Cha, Meyers will be a prime suspect along with me, of course, because the spouse is always a suspect. Part of the rekindled love for Meyers might be due to me re-watching The West Wing on Netflix (man, I love that show). If Dee Dee is busy I think John Amos or Rob Lowe may be my second choices though I find estrogen extremely important (wait, that's what I provide I think).

I know that automatic and semiautomatic weapons are very, very wrong. Listening back to our newest podcast, discussing guns in America, really made me think even more. I played the good host on the show not saying much and letting the people who know more about their points than I do talk. Also, doing the podcast for 95 weeks now, I know that when multiple people talk at the same time it is difficult to hear anyone. Doing the show editing has taught me that more than anything. I really know that my heart has always right on this issue after listening to the show. I usually follow my heart and the brain almost always follows. I had always liked Scarecrow but maybe that's because I knew I always had a heart unlike the Tin Woodsman who had to be told. The brain I wasn't always so sure about and still question that from time-to-time.

The part of the podcast that really made me know that I was right is when Cha Cha talked about how the people with the guns seem to be scared. I never really thought about that but I think she is 100% correct. I have started to examine in my Scarecrow all of the cases of these gun atrocities and she is correct. And now, when we (the royal "we") are trying to regulate what kinds of guns they can have and such they are afraid even more. I guess understanding is the first step in trying to deal with anything and now that I feel I know what the root of their love of weaponry is I can talk to people more now with a different understanding whether it is correct or not. The funny thing is that people who are afraid will never admit they are afraid; most times not even to themselves. 
If I only had a blog (and a podcast)

It is weird how I start to write and I just praddle-on. It's all just blog-storming. Scarecrow-storming maybe?

I like Google a lot better than any other search engine. I just rediscovered that!

Have a great rest of your day. Today is my Monday so I probably won't have the same joy about today as you do as you are probably approaching your weekend. Thanks for reading the blog if you do but if you don't you don't know what you're missing or even that I just told you that you don't know what you're missing. If you have a paying job available where I can blog and/or podcast and I have 100% creative control give me a call. I won't be waiting by the phone. Thanks again and know that I appreciate you mucho. TTTT (maybe)...MITM (out with an open Tin Woodsman and a full Scarecrow). TA!

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