Monday, January 28, 2013

Enchanted Bleach Blog Bingo!

Our washing machine?
Why, if you are a doctor who deals with hoarders, do you have to say that you are a "therapist specializing in obsessive hoarding?" Why do you have to include the word "obsessive?" Isn't that a given that, if you're a hoarder, it is obsessive?

Every time I wash clothes, and that is just about every day of my life, I find money in the washing machine when I am done. Cha Cha has a habit of leaving change in her pockets and it comes out in the wash. Ha, maybe that's where that old saying "it will all come out in the wash" comes from. She has to be one of the few people left on the planet that actually uses cash to buy things anymore. It's debit card all the way for me. I have to get a new card once a year because mine always gets cracked due to excessive use. Checks bounce and debit cards crack I guess. I just did a load of dish towels and low and behold there was a dime in the washing machine when I went to move the towels to the dryer. I am starting to think maybe it wasn't Cha Cha all this time as I had thought. Maybe we have an enchanted washing machine;there should be no change in the towels unless you're David Copperfield. It happens so regularly that we moved the change jug from the counter in the kitchen to the laundry room. I am not sure why it was moved there but it does seem fortuitous. You are not going to believe this but, I swear on my eyes that this is true, I heard a loud clanking from the washing machine right now as I was writing this and went to check. If it were money I thought that it was a gold bar this time based on the loud noise. I opened the dryer and it was not money. This time it was Fabio's metal belt buckle that he left looped in his britches (that's a funnier word than pants) . Damn dryer and your deceiving ways. Now I will have to go to work again. A gold bar would have come in handy.

It's been about three hours since I wrote that last paragraph (man, are you a slow reader) and I just took a small load of whites out of the washer (two shirts, some socks and one towel). Those were the only whites that needed to be washed and I love the smell of chlorine bleach so I bleach the Helser out of the whites. There was a dime and a nickle in the washer when I moved the items to the dryer. Where did the money come from? The towel? The socks? The pocket-less shirts? Did I miss them from the last load? Is the washer really enchanted?

TLC stands for The Learning Channel. I know what we have learned - we Americans are a bunch of idiots. TLC's programming consists of shows like: Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Plastic Wives, I Didn't Know I was Pregnant, Starter Wives Confidential, Toddlers & Tiaras, What Not to Wear, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, 19 Kids and Counting... I could keep going but I am tired of searching the program guide for shows I will never watch. TLC should stand of Total Losers Channel or The Lame Channel.

Cha Cha and I watched a funny movie on Netflix yesterday.

The MIDDLEwest is up to her old shenanigans again. Last night I was out all night driving in freezing rain on solid sheets of ice. One time I even got stuck in a parking lot while not being impeded by anything other than the three inches of ice I had unwittingly driven onto. Now, today, it is nearly 50 degrees and the lake in front of our subdivision is actually a lake again and not a giant snow cone. They're saying tomorrow may be nearly 60 and then the following day is gonna be about five! An almost 70 degree drop in one day? Good think global warming isn't real.They just showed a picture of O'Hare International Airport in Chicago and it is a blizzard there. Oh, never mind I have Planes, Trains & Automobiles on while I type this. Man, I loved John Candy.

I have to end now. The dishes aren't going to do themselves. Oh, the movie Cha Cha and I were watching yesterday will be talked about on this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast. The show should be up by Wednesday morning; I will let you know via: the DLP Facebook page, my Facebook page, my Twitter (Matt The Agitator), Cha Cha's Twitter (Cha Cha), this blog, smoke signals, blimp, billboards, skywriting and whatever I can think of. Thank you for sittin' a spell and takin' your shoes off. Y'all come back now, hear? TTTT (most probably)...MITM (wondering why the dishes don't do themselves. I guess they sorta do but they don't get into the dishwasher by themselves and add the soap...) TA!

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