Saturday, January 19, 2013

I Come from Alabama with a Blogo on My Knee

Parts of Alabama and Mississippi were devastated by so much snow that many people had to sleep in their cars on the freeway all night because of the horrific event. Parts of Alabama had as many as four inches of snow and they had 2 - 4 inches in parts of Mississippi. FOUR INCHES? A couple of years ago we had like five feet over night and we still went to work the next morning. Maybe if they didn't try to drive with banjos on their knees they could drive in snow. Seriously, the state almost closed down because of four inches of snow? No wonder they didn't win the Civil War. All we had to do was let the war advance a little North and then in the night when they were all stuck trying to figure out how to march in snow we tied them up. There's no way the "south will rise again" unless they can get the whole rise done in Spring and Summer. In their defense I remember in college (I went to Southern Illinois University which is more Kentucky than Illinois - and very close to Kentucky) we had about four inches and they closed school for the day. The students were mostly from the Chicago-area so we were driving around in the snow all day long happy to have a day off while the rest of the town huddled by their televisions watching the devastating snow storm on their televisions.

It is kinda rare that I blog on a Saturday but with Martin Luther King Junior's birthday Monday I may have a harder time blogging then. I took off work Monday and I don't even lose a vacation day; I just don't get the double time. It's basically the same but it's nice to get paid to be off and keep a vacation day. I pretty much take my vacation days one and two at a time here-and-there for the most part. The last time I took them in a weekly row was when my buddy Randy and I went to Texas for the Rangers and Astros games. The way vacation days work at my job is that we accrue them as we work; it's not like it's a new year you get X amount of weeks. It's sort of like we have a bank and we deposit the hours into the account every payday and we "withdraw" them as we want to use them. The family and I need to take a "real" vacation again soon though.

Also Happy birthday to my good friend Edgar Allan Poe and thank you to my good buddy John for reminding me that today is Poe's birthday! But look on my Facebook page of me dead on his grave and it has a different date? Curiouser and curiouser.

I heard someone making one of the dumbest comments ever said by someone other than me (I have a top hundred list of my stupid comments). Someone asked, "what do you think Martin Luther King would say about them trying to take away our gun rights if he were here today?" I am pretty sure he would be happy to say anything if he hadn't been shot by that gun! I am still not talking about the whole gun thing. I have discovered it is a waste of time on both sides. All it does is get people fired-up. Nobody on either side is going to say, "oh, I never thought of that - you totally changed my mind."

So this week I will get a three-day weekend consisting of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday is the Bulls game, Tuesday is Fabio's birthday which means dinner out if he ever decides where he wants to go (I cannot believe he is saying no to Morton's Steakhouse and Red Robin so far). I cannot believe I wrote Red Robin without typing "yum" though I did say it in my blockhead. We also have to record a Dirty Laundry Podcast in there somewhere. We will probably record it Tuesday during the day while Fabio is in school (that is if he is able to get out of bed after a night at the United Center) because Cha Cha took the day off. Then I can maybe edit it right after we record it and get it uploaded on Tuesday. I usually wait to edit the show for about twelve hours or so so I may listen to it with different ears but I am not sure if that is necessary.

Cha Cha is going to start making homemade bread from now on. Trying to get rid of all the sugars in processed foods. I am all for homemade bread. The house will start making me hungry. Speaking of that the breast are ready! Off to get some chicken. Have a great Saturday night and maybe Sunday and Monday but if I were a betting Matt I would guess that I will blog again before Tuesday. Thanks for hanging out for a few - you might as well leave it out now. TTTSunMon or Tues...MITM (ghost) TA!

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