Friday, January 4, 2013

I have been paying the credit card bills from the Christmas purchases. I know times are tough for a lot of people in a lot of the world and it makes me happy that we are doing well for now. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who is also bummed-out at the same time knowing that there are millions of people in the world who are suffering. Sometimes I wish I could be a total selfish a-hole like the people I used to work for but the it makes me happy, too, that karma seems to be catching up with them too. I have to believe that the universe evens things out in time. Up becomes down and down becomes up. That's why being in THE MIDDLE is the best place to be - nowhere to flip us so we stay where we are; home field advantage!

When I paid the Discover bill it asked if I wanted to sign-up for the "5% cash back" for movies and restaurants from now until March. Why do I have to sign-up for this stuff? You would think they would just make it automatic. I know there is a reason for them making me sign-up. Is it to get people to go onto their accounts and they know that the people who sign-up know about the promotion? If you feel like you "join" does it psychologically make you want to "use" your membership? I know why they have the programs; to convince me to use my Discover card rather than my debit card or use cash or use another credit card. I use it and pay it off every month but they are like "the house" in Las Vegas or Atlantic City... they know if we play long enough the odds are in the favor of the house and they will get their money back with interest. That's why they just raised our credit limit by another $1000; to make sure the house wins in the end. I have been playing this game a long time now and I am their worst nightmare; a player who knows the odds and how the house is trying to take his money. Even worse, a blogger who spreads the word. Even though I know now I figure the house is still ahead from the days that I was learning.

Old Yeller with a deer
While I write this I am watching The Yearling on TCM (Turner Classic Movies). I remember reading the book as a yute. I don't know what is about my movie selections lately. Les Miserables, Of Mine and Men, The Yearling, Lincoln... Maybe seeing all of the strife in the world in the past is making me feel better about my life. I am pretty sure it is destiny for me to see Django Unchained. Even filmmaker Michael Moore told me I need to see it this weekend. This is the dude who made Bowling for Columbine. The guy who went to Charlton Heston's house, the President of the NRA at the time, and confronted him about guns. I thought that was a little rude but ballsy for sure.

Dirty Laundry Podcast has moved up to number 37 in the comedy category. Just 36 more comedy podcasts to crush! Considering we entered the category at #131 one week ago today I am pretty pleased. Maybe out NRA discussion this coming week with put us over the top. Nothing is more comedic than discussing guns in America! Not a funny topic but we always manage to turn things in that direction.

Gregory Peck just said, "here comes the sun" in the movie (The Yearling) If you're a MIDDLER like me can you ever hear that without thinking or saying "doot en do do?" The sun coming up seems to be the only good thing that happens to this family. But they are happy and that is all that MATTers!

I want to see Hyde Park on the Hudson. Love me some Bill Murray playing Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It look really good,

Guilty as charged!
I just ran to the bank to mail a letter for Cha Cha. Yes, the bank. Most of my letters are electronic these days. While I was in there the lady at the post office desk was reading The Secret. I told her that it is a good book and she agreed saying she had read it before but "needed" to read it again. Our discussion made me decide that I need to read it again too. I may also rewatch the movie on Netflix.

Ricky Gervais just called me a twonk. I had to look it up and it means "a stupid person." I guess he knows me well enough.

I have to get some vittles rustled up and get Fabio to the trainer. Have a great night and a good tomorrow (sounds like an 1960's news program sign-off). I doubt that I will be able to blog tomorrow; I have a lot on my plate. You never know though. Thank you, as always for reading the blog and for listening to the podcast. TTTas soon as I can...MITM (out) TA!

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