Monday, January 1, 2018

Is You is or is You Ain't My Constituency?

Happy 2018! 

I slept very well last night; I suppose that is a great way to end a year. I did have a very odd dream that seemed to last days when, in fact, it probably lasted a mere few seconds or so. That's what I have been lead to believe; that dreams don't last very long at all. Anyway, for some reason I was digging a huge hole in the backyard and all of a sudden the hole began to fill-up with frogs. Big frogs, small frogs, ones that slipped between my fingers trying to escape, fat frogs, bulgy-eyed frogs, frogs that croaked, frogs that ribbeted, ones that just stared at me... So, I began filling plastic and rubber totes with frogs. The frog-gathering lasted over several days and nights. I do not know what I finally did with the totes filled with frogs but I slept until about 8 AM; I cannot remember the last time I slept that late. I hope I sleep that well all year long . I will go to bed with visions of frogs dancing through my head.

I finally finished watching It's a Wonderful Life last night. I think I have watched it about 3,211 times. Spoiler Alert ahead in case you have never seen the movie even one time since 1946. I cry every time when George comes back to the present time (his present time) after being shown what the world would have been like if he had never been born, and everybody in town expresses their appreciation and respect and love for him by stickin' it to the man (Mr. Potter) when the towns' people come by The Baileys' house and all start chipping in whatever money they can to pay the money  that Mr. Potter basically stole from Uncle Billy, back. George became the "richest man in town" by learning how much everybody loved him for the great wonderful life he had lead. Hard to believe that movie is over 70 years old. And, was that a long sentence or what?

After that Jill and I sat in the Tiki Room and watched The Physician on Netflix. We are really getting our money's worth out of this ROKU dealie. The movie is from 2013. It is about a physician's assistant in Persia in the 11th century. I seem to be watching quite a few movies about Jewish people and their plights lately. The boy,  (played by Tom Payne) disguises himself as a Jew so he can get into medical school as the school does not accept Christians. It's a good movie. You cannot really go wrong with a movie that Ben Kingsley (his real name is Krishna Bhanki I just now found out) is in. I am really glad that Jill got the Roku - we watch a lot of Hulu and Netflix and Amazon movies and shows and such. We will soon get rid of DirecTv as we can also get news from the major networks as well as CNN. The news is not live but it streams throughout the days and update periodically. News is seldom "new" anyway. I have said for awhile that we will get rid of DirecTV but 2018 will be the year when that comes to fruition.

I am happy that I still have today and tomorrow off of work. I think Jill and I are going to start the new year off by driving down to La Grange Park to see my mom. I have not seen her since she was moved down there from the home where she was previously residing. My dad goes down to see her most days even though he still does some work for his former boss. I guess that kind of makes him his current boss too doesn't it? It's nice for dad because he has something to do and gets some extra walkin' around money. He is a person who always has to have something to do. It will be nice when a bed opens-up in a facility closer to my dad's house to save him all of the hours of driving. I was happy that he came here for Christmas morning.
Some .45's I just happened to have lying around

I am very excited to see the "rising full wolf super moon" tonight. The moon last night was super bright and clear and I hope tonight's moon will live-up to my expectations and be even better than last night's. They are saying that January 2nd's moon will be even more spectacular. If it is good I will take some photos and post them here on my next blog. That is unless I turn into a werewolf. Have your silver (Argentium or Mercury or Selenium) bullets ready just in case. Supposedly it will take about three to five rounds to kill a full-grown werewolf. Where in the Hell do we get silver bullets? Many bullets are silver but many are also gold. Would Coor's silver bullets work? I wonder if bullets with silver tips would just be enough? I guess a true silver knife will kill a werewolf too but who wants to get close enough to use a knife to see if the really works? That is if werewolves really existed. You can never be too careful.

If I have learned nothing else in my 54% of a century I have learned not to sweat the small stuff. I have also learned that I don't know much about anything. I know that I will die one day and I know that I don't really care if it hurts. I don't know why that came to mind. I use a line from the movie Bridge of Spies many times in my heard each and every day. If I feel stressed or someone asks me something like, "aren't you afraid of what might happen" I will either say or think to myself, "would it matter?" That always gets me to move past whatever issue I am dealing with in my mind and move-on unless, of course, there is something that worrying about it will help. I do not think that worrying ever solved anything.

Jill just came downstairs here and told me that she had weird dreams too. Hers' had to do with giant porcupine things that grew from bugs and she and some people she did not know were trying to get rid of these animals. That kind of weirded me out because our dreams were very similar in quite a few ways. Maybe I should stop feeding the birds and squirrels because they will be coming for us next; I will take my chances. If I die from being nice to innocent creatures I will consider that a noble death. Though, if I am dead, I suppose I cannot think anything noble or otherwise.

Jill just read me what our Congressional Representative lists as his accomplishments in 2017 - "40,000 letters answered, 225 Capital tours given, 85 flags flown" - and that is the entire list. I have done more than that with the frogs while I was sleeping. I bet all 40,000 of those letters were answered by interns and staff. And what were the answers? "Thanks for the letter"? I guess he is being blasted by his constituency for this lame list of nonccomplishments. Every time I hear the word constituency I think of one of my favorite movies - Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

I am going to end now because this is more letters written than my Congressional Representative has written in a year. Enjoy your day. Stay warm if you are in one of the frigid areas of the world today and be nice and take care of each other. Also, watch out for armies of frogs and prickles of porcupines. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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