Thursday, January 11, 2018


It is 16:33 and, happily, I am home from work. When I left for work at 05:22 this morning it was 50 degrees Fahrenheit and dry and then, when I left work at about 16:10 to come home, it was 30 degrees Fahrenheit and raining. What is going on? Could it possibly be climate change issues? No, this cannot possibly be global warming.
The weekly regular cast of characters on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me

Cha Cha is going to see a live taping of Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me in Chicago tonight with Andy's mom. Andy is Splenda's boyfriend and roommate. Should I be alarmed that she is spending so much to time in the big city while I am driving to Walgreen's to pick up her medicines? The only reason I mentioned the picking-up her medicines is that the lady in the drive-up there called me "hon." SO at CVS I am sweetheart and at Walgreen's I am hon. Are these pharmacists using to many of their own products?

I winder who the special guest will be on the show that Jill is going to tonight. The time that she and I went it was some schmo that we never heard of before. Tonight it will probably be someone like Tom Hanks or Barack Obama or some huge star. I hope it is and that she has wonderful stories to tell. I will be sleeping with a dog and taking the garbage to the curb in the rain (or icy snow by the time I get to it). Spoiler Alert - I already took the recycling roller-thingy to the curb. I am proud that we have that one full every week. Whether or not they really recycle it is a mystery but they, at least, make me thing I am helping the planet.
I watched To Kill a Mockingbird last night, as advertised, and I liked it as much this time as the last twenty-or-so times that I had seen it. I was nosy and wondered what the three kids, who played the children in movie, went on to do after this movie. John Megna, who played Dill, went on to do lots of acting and died in 1995 with complications from AIDS. He was the half-brother of Connie Stevens, brother-in-law to Bobby Fisher and related to all the Fishers, including Princess Leia (Carrie). Mary Badham, who played Scout, did some acting after Mockingbird but not much, She lost the "Best Supporting Actress" award for her role in Mockingbird to Patty Duke for The Miracle Worker. Phillip Alford, who played Jem, also did a lot of television acting through the 60's and 70's. I did much more research on that than I had intended to. I believe, according to my shoddy research, that Badham and Alford are both still alive.

I am going to take a break and rustle-up some grub for dinner. It is also garbage day tomorrow so I have to get that together and to the curb too. I want to do that tonight so I don't have to walk down the, most likely, ice-covered driveway in the morning. Thanks a lot Al Gore!

I ended-up having a chicken sandwich with: light mayo, horseradish and some white cheese. Not quite as good as last night's sushi. I think I like wasabi more than I like horseradish. Imaging if I mixed those now.

I think I am done blogging for tonight. It is only 18:17 and I am ready for bed. I like my job but some days it really wears me out. I suppose that is a good thing. I am earning my money and I sleep like a baby. Though I am ready for bed I will wait until, at least, 18:00. TTTT (probably). Maybe even earlier if the house gets covered in ice and I cannot get out,. Stay warm...MITM (out) TA!

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