Sunday, January 21, 2018

Some Milestones Ahead

I am tired and lazy today so there will be no proofreading again today. Thank you for your patience and understanding and remember, whenever I make a typo or an error... I am doing it to make you feel better about yourself!

I knew it has been awhile since I blogged last but I did not realize it had been a week ago today. I intend to blog more but so many things depend upon our attentions every single day don't they? It is already 16:38 and I have gotten quite a bit done. Since the weather has finally changed a bit, warmer for the moment, I washed the JEEP today. This morning I did the dishes first thing and then I started the laundry and then Fabio (Noah) came over to do his laundry and Cha Cha and I took him to lunch. A lot of things centered around water today it seems. Tomorrow is his 21st birthday and he has a couple of classes tomorrow and I am taking Jeff to the veterinarian in Geneva. Being Sunday Jill is home so it worked-out well. It's hard to believe that our youngest is 21 years old. And then on February 5th it will be Splenda's 26th birthday. Every year at this time I cannot help but think that our children were both born right around 9 months after Cha Cha and my wedding anniversary comes around. Our 30th anniversary will be April 30th and we are still trying to decide where to go for the big 30. I have to have my choices for my vacation date selections for the year to my bosses on Wednesday. I am not sure exactly how many days I have but I know that I have, at least, two weeks and three days and then whatever I did not use from last year. We are having a birthday party / family get-together thingy for both kids adults next weekend. It was supposed to be just for Noah's 21st but he does not like to be the center of attention (kinda hard not to be when you're 6'6" tall) so we melded the celebrations together. We are going to The Safe House in Chicago. It should be a good time. I hope I remember the password to get into the place. It's rough being a spy with a fading memory but I always have my note pad and a pen with me.

When Noah was over we used the 4Runner to take the old couch over to The Goodwill. It has been in the garage for a few weeks (since we got the new couch) and we were happy to get it out of the garage. I thought we would have to hitch-up the trailer but I always try the laziest of the options first and this time it paid-off. Usually, using this method, makes me have to do two different things but the trailer would be a pain to get out of it's storage place in the yard. The couch stuck a bit out of the back of the Toyota but Fabio kept a hand on it and I drove slowly with the hazard lights flashing in the fog. The Goodwill is pretty close.

I finally got the mailer back from DirecTV and they do not want their boxes back they just wanted me to mail them back the programming cards from the converters or receivers or boxes or whatever they call them. So, I mailed back the cards and we are now supposed to find someplace that recycles this sort of equipment. If anybody needs a box or two and/or a remote or two or three or four let me know and you are welcome to them. Obviously, you will need your own DirecTV access cards as ours were sent back. I see a place online where I can send/mail the boxes but am I really going to do that? I am big on recycling and saving the planet but I am going to find some place local. I will figure it out. We are a ROKU house now.
I worked yesterday and it seems like it was so long ago. Maybe because I have done quite a bit since then? When you get a lot done it seems, sometimes, like a longer time than it actually was. And, I was lying in bed last night watching a few shows on Netflix (ROKU) and I looked at the clock and it was 2 AM. I bet I sleep really well tonight. If you want some Netflix suggestions of things to watch let me know and I will suggest some things that I have enjoyed. Disclaimer - our interests may be different so there is no guarantee that we will like the same things. I do like a very wide variety/range of things though so I bet some you would enjoy.

My skin has been very dry lately. I have been putting lotion on my legs and arms quite a bit and, for the first time ever, I have been putting hand lotion in my left nostril. Is that kind of like picking my nose? I try really hard not to pick my nose but I believe that we are meant to pick our noses. Didn't you ever wonder why your fingers are the perfect size and circumference to fit up there? And they are too big to go in too deeply and touch your brain or the backs of your eyeballs or something damaging.

I am heading to areas that I don't really feel like pursuing so I will quit for today. I will try to find time to write again tomorrow after Jeff's veterinarian check-up. I hope you have a great Sunday night and a start to your week in the morning. Thanks you so much for stopping by. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out) zzzzzzzzzz!

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