Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Now I Blog Me Down to Sleep

WARNING - I am going to proofread today's blog even less than I usually do so please be patient with my tired hunting eyes and weary pecking fingers on the keyboard.

I am home from work and Jill went to her Evanston office today and is spending the night at Chloe (Splenda) and Andy's place in Chicago tonight so I can blog a little bit. I could anyway but I like to talk with her when she is here because Jill is a remarkable woman.

On the way home from work I stopped and picked-up some groceries for my lunches and then I got some sushi for dinner (I love sushi) and then I went and picked up a prescription and then came home. The lady at the pharmacy called me "sweetheart." Was I being sexually harasses or was she just being nice? I am a nice guy and I do have a caring and gentle heart so I am assuming she was picking up on that and she could tell I have a sweet heart. While driving home I heard on the radio that one of the men who was up on stage receiving an award for his work in The Disaster Artist, and was wearing a "time's up" pin on his tuxedo lapel, is being called-out (on Twitter) for sexual misconduct by actress Violet Paley and filmmaker Sarah Tither-Kaplan. I have been a fan of James Franco since he was in Freaks and Geeks in 1999. Maybe time is up? Actress Ally tweeted (and then later removed the message that he was "why I left the film/TV business." I always liked her too and, as I see it, she has absolutely no reason to lie about this. Here is a video clip of Franco on The Late Show if you are interested in knowing Franco's defense - it is quite interesting. You can also watch it (and more) free on You Tube if you prefer. Having a strong wife and a strong daughter this behavior outrages me knowing that things like this still occur. At least the issues are being addressed but it is sad that these cavemen (not meaning any persons in particular - rather the behavior) are behaving this way. I guess you can tell that I am very passionate about this kind of thing.

Michael Douglas, who I have liked since The Streets of San Francisco (beginning in 1972) when I was a wee (that is not urination foreshadowing) lad, is denying sexual harassment claims before they break loose. You can easily find stories about that just about anywhere on the interweb too. I don;t want to make the whole blog about deviants in Hollyweird.
I thinks peeing on an ad changes your life immediately, doesn't it?
I heard a few things on the radio, that I found intriguing, on the way to work this morning" apparently IKEA has come out with a print ad that, if you pee (urinate) on it and you are pregnant, the advertisement will reveal a special price for you on cribs. So, basically, it is a pregnancy test and a coupon all in one. I know IKEA is a Swedish company but they really are progressive aren't they? Even for the Swedes. 

The other curious thing I heard on the radio kinda creeped me out. I am sure you remember that I wrote about The Police song "Every Breath You Take" that I wrote about yesterday (if not you can just scroll down for yesterdays ranting). That song was playing on the radio while I drove to work. Do radio stations read my blog? I want to just type a weird song and see if it pops it's tunes up tomorrow. How about the really old song "One-eyed, One-horned Flying Purple People Eater?" I would really freak out if that song played tomorrow. I don't even know why that song popped into my head. I don't think I have heard that song for about 40+ years, If it shows-up in your life tomorrow please let me know. I will not lie about it playing within my earshot - I will tell you one way or another the next time I write. Maybe we can control the cosmos together.

Okay, I am going to get my jammies on and watch "To Kill a Mockingbird" on Netflix now. That is one of the best books written and best films ever made in my opinion.Harper Lee was a fabulous writer. I am sleepy and I may fall asleep while it plays but, man, what a great film that is. I can always start when I fall asleep tomorrow after work.

I will be right back I have to mop Jeff's muddy paw prints from the floor (I know I was happier when the ground was frozen and covered with snow) and feed the squirrels and the birds. I feed them the night before because I am usually running-around trying to remember everything in the morning - this makes one less thing to have to try to remember.

Thank you, so very much, for stopping by and giving this old frustrated writer a place to write. I think about you often while I write. I really do appreciate you so very much. TTTT(probably)...MITM (out) TA!

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