Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Cuckoo for MITM Puffs!

I know I am getting a late start writing today (17:37) as I had to: do the grocery shopping at two store because one was of little help, work on the taxes, pay bills, clean the kitchen, make dinner (which is in the oven now)... While I did some of that I watched one of the movies that I checked-out from the library (Memento). I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest last night after I got home from being out east (Aurora, Illinois area is east for me). You can read yesterday's blog to find out about that adventurous day if you are so inclined and haven't read that one yet. Watching Memento and doing all I was doing, simultaneously, led to a lot of re-watching many parts multiple times. It made the film kind of 4-D for me I suppose.
Eventually, I may have to give-in and get some ink?

Cuckoo's Nest is still one of my favorite films. It's so funny to see people that we knew in different roles too like: Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd, Scatman Crothers, Louise Fletcher, Vincent Schiavelli, William Duell, Michael Berryman, Brad Dourif... I looked at the film differently this time given the situation that my mother is in right now. While watching Memento I could relate, personally, to the main character in many ways though I do not have any tattoos. I do take lots of notes but, if I were inclined to take photos to remember things I would use my cell phone but I did like how he used the Polaroid camera and could write notes directly on the photos. I can write notes on my phone with the photos though. But, what if I forget that I took photos on my phone? I will have to work that out as it arises I suppose.

I like to believe that a lot of my mind slowing is simply from age. I hope that is what it is. I can remember things from many years ago like they happened yesterday but I cannot find my shoes... I know lyrics to songs that I haven't heard for 30 years but music calms the savage beast I have hear. My mind can be a savage beast at times.

I am cooking one of the house favorites - turkey giardiniera meatloaf, Jill came home and then went over to the gym and it should be done by the time she gets home. I do the one regular-sized meatloaf and then I fill one of the cupcake pans with mini loaves, The smaller ones are great for lunches. My weekend ends tonight so I imagine I will have some meatloaf with my salads in tomorrow's lunch. I will make that game-time decision at 05:00.  It is really good crumbled-up on tortillas though I don't eat many of those anymore.
Is that a Cuckoo?

Weird, I am watching last night's The Late Show With Stephen Colbert while I write this (in addition to cooking - no wonder I have memory issues) and the musical guest (Aimee Mann) is going to sing a song from her new album, Mental Illness. My entire weekend (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) has had a theme. I have liked her since she was with 'Til Tuesday. Yes, I can still know all of the lyrics to Voices Carry so hush, hush.

Okay, I am going to end now because Jill is back home and we are like ships in the night between Wednesday and Saturday so I like t spend as much time with her as I can as long as I can remember her. I know I will never forget who she is because she is like a sweet melody with haunting lyrics to me in many ways. I hope you have a great rest of your night. I probably won't blog again until my next weekend (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday). Thank you, so much, for stopping by and for all the kind words about my mom's current journey. TTTS, M or Tu?...MITM (out) TA!

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