Monday, March 6, 2017

Don't Worry, Be Bloggy!

Today is not really a great day so, maybe, blogging about it will help me some? It is 14:51 now and I have not gotten hardly anything that I intended to get done accomplished. I did get some things achieved but I am distracted by issues with my mother's health. She has not been well for quite some time and today sounds like a very bad day. I have spoken to my dad several times today about what is going on and I am not happy with what is being done by her doctor. The doctor's answer, so far, is to throw more medicine on the fire rather than seeing her and getting to the bottom of what is going on right now. I will probably head over to their house tonight or tomorrow even though there is nothing I will be able to accomplish. I am waiting for the call from my dad that I hope will not come. That, hopefully, sounds more ominous than it is right now but I have not seen things with my own eyes.

I did get some things done this morning - I tidied-up Kajunkles Studio so we can get back to recording the show soon (I know I have said that for weeks). I changed the driver-side brake light in the Fiat. I almost said "rear" brake light but it is not necessary (I hope) so I wrote it in it's own sentence here instead. I did a little sorting of the things in our crawlspace (I am really happy we paid the extra bones to have the crawlspace floor concreted). Maybe using the word "bones" in the same sentence as "crawlspace" wasn't the best choice? I think I am going to head to the store and get some softener salt and some other things that we need. I will be back in a few minutes and blog after I dump the salt in the softener. Maybe I will make a UGE mattgarita since I will have all of that salt.

Saturday night, after work, a LARGE BUNCH of us went out for dinner and lots of drinks. Somehow that turned into bowling (yes, we left the bar/restaurant and went to a bowling alley for that part). Not everyone went to the bowling alley but I would say that there were ten or so of us. I had not bowled in many years but I did pretty well. I think I only bowled one complete game and one partial game. In the complete game I did very well and ended with a 170 something thanks to the spare followed by the turkey (three strikes in a row) that I rolled toward the end. I guess it just took me a few practice rolls to get back into the swing roll of things. Yes, I thought lots about The Big Lebowski. And, no I did not have bumpers in the gutters. Three of us left early but I will leave that part of the story out in order to protect the (mostly) innocent. I am sworn to uphold the Good Samaritan Laws and not divulge any specific information and I will abide by my sworn oath; I was one of the Samaritans (for the record). Is it weird that I am not at all a "Bible guy" but I am a Samaritan? I did not even know where the term "Samaritan" came from until now yet I threw it around willy-nilly (now I know where that comes from too).

While I was at the store a bit ago I also bought the ingredients to make cauliflower crust pizza. I hope it "tastes just like regular pizza" as I have heard and read many places. I live in the Chicagoland area and, besides New York City and Sicily. we are one of the most particular places about our pizza in the world. I will let you know how it works out once I have made and tried it. It probably won't be tonight as I think we are going to see Logan at the theater. I believe we will go to the 18:40 show if you are looking to loot our house. But, since I am watching Logan you will pay in more ways than you believed possible. Our ferocious dog should slow you down too. I am worried that I will fall asleep in that big comfy recliner at the theater but then I will be more well-rested to find you and go all Wolverine on your patootie. I have a feeling that Wolverine will die as I saw Hugh Jackman on, I think, Late Night Tonight With John Oliver, and this will be his last time portraying Wolverine. I like Hugh Jackman and I know he likes me too.
Is he reading The Virginity of Famous Men?
I am really stuffed-up (nasally) today. I imagine it is due to something that I drank but, to narrow that down, would be quite difficult. I usually get stuffed-up when I ingest caffeine but I am not sure if I had any caffeine. I believe I did not.

I won an autographed copy of the book The Virginity of Famous Men from Northern Public Radio (WNIJ and WNIU). As you may have guessed they are the local NPR radio stations. I have not begun reading it yet, as I still have two from the library that I have to finish as they have a due date and my new one can be with me until I die. I skimmed the book and was saddened to see that I am not mentioned in the book. I can only think of five reasons why that would be but I will allow you to determine your own reasons. I am happy to know that there are no photos in the book.

Okay, I am going to call this a wrap. Thank you for stopping by. I think I will blog again tomorrow but I never know what the day will bring. I may go over to my parents' house tomorrow no MATTer what I hear or don't hear tonight. I hope you have a great evening. TTT (whenever - hopefully tomorrow)...MITM (out) ADIOS!

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