Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Cowabunga Cauliflower!

Last night was a bit of an adventure but Cha Cha and I did get to see Logan. We arrived at the Carmike theater in DeKalb at about 6:40 for the 6:45 showing. It looked a bit dark inside the theater and there did not seem to be anybody inside milling about. There were many people sitting in their vehicles but it looked like the place was closed. I got out of the car and walked to the theater door to find it locked. I walked back to the car and went to their website and saw that the show was scheduled as I had seen earlier. I further looked and saw that the show was playing at the neighboring town of Sycamore at the Sycamore State Theatre (yes, they spell it all fancy like that) at 6:45 so we skedaddled over and watched the show there instead. The theater did not have the fancy reclining seats but, since I was very tired, that actually worked to my advantage. I told the people at the theater theatre about Carmike and they said they had heard from other patrons that the DeKalb showplace was closed but they did not know why. It worked out well because I did not fall asleep in a comfy chair and they had better popcorn (we got the caramel/cheese corn mix). The movie was really good and it all worked out fine. Next time we see a show we will have to make a decision on which town's economy to sprinkle our money into.

I am doing laundry right now and I just started the dishwasher. I figured, since we spent our popcorn and movie money in Sycamore, I better spend some extra water bill money here in DeKalb so as to not get run-out on a rail. Now I am thinking about Oh Brother where Art Thou.

I called my dad this morning and my mom seems to be doing better today than yesterday according to him. It appears that one of the new pills that she got last night helped her sleep all night which may have been a large part of the problem; she does not sleep very well. I have had sleeping issues from time-to-time and there have been ramifications at times.
Pizza & Ninjas (seems like destiny other than the cauliflower part)

The basement needs some more work and that will be one of my tasks today. Tomorrow is back to work day so I want to get lots done today. Having a four-day work week is very nice. Four tens is better that five eights as far as I am concerned. It is especially nice getting off at 16:00. Today is also cauliflower pizza day. I have never tried to make pizza crust from cauliflower but today is the day to give that a try. Fortunately, we live very close to a supermarket and many restaurants so there are several back-up options should the experiment prove a poor culinary move. I bet the birds will like it if we humans do not. The Ninja food processor or chopper or whatever it is called will come in handy to make the cauliflower florets become chopped fine enough to transform into pizza crust. I will try to remember to take a photo of the pizza when it is done. Just writing about the "pizza" is making me hungry.

I took a break there and Ninja'd the cauliflower. The cauliflower is chopped, steamed and now drying out. I also grated the cheeses (mozzarella and parmesan) and there is a lot of dishes to wash after the ones that are already in the dishwasher finish their hot tub and sauna time machine. I always try to clean as I go because that is the worst part of cooking so I get it done and move-on. I really hope I am not wasting my time with these pies (it sounds so Italian calling pizzas pies - I have seen too many gangster films). The recipe I found followed does not mention anything about tomato sauce (gravy as they would say in the gangster films - at least on pasta they do) though the photo shows red sauce so I looked at other recipes and I see that Valerie Bertinelli (formerly Mrs. Eddie Van Halen) has a cooking show on The Food Network. I wonder if she'd be on the podcast when we get that going again? I had a bit of a crush on her when she was on One Day at a Time back in the 1970's.

I will be right back - the dryer is playing that tune when it is time to fold the clothes before they get wrinkled. I will be back momentarily.

Okay, the clothes are now folded so maybe Cha Cha will renew my contract for another month or so unless she reads that about Valerie - mum's the word!

I have to wrap-up now because I am gong to take my chopped cauliflower that has finally dried-out and I am gonna mix it with all of the spices and bake it and hope this whole cooking day has not been wasted. I would imagine that the birds and rabbits and squirrels will eat it if it doesn't turn out as I hope. I plan to take some to work for lunch tomorrow unless it is horrid.

Thank you, as always, for taking time out of your busy day to stop by. I appreciate writing and, seeing that people read this and comment on occasion, it gives me the drive to keep on scribbling. I hope you have a great rest of you day/night. Maybe I will write again after work on the morrow but I have been coughing and have had a scratchy throat all day today so I may come home and go to bed. Not that typing requires me to speak or anything. We never know what the next day might bring do we? Maybe I will die in my sleep though that is not in my day-planner so I doubt that will happen. TTT????...MITM (out) TA!

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