Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I Dream About Sleeping!

Yes, I wore my badge to bed coffin
Okay, I wrote yesterday so I may as well keep the streak going for at least one more day. Here goes nothing (I figured if I said "here goes nothing" the bar would be set very low and anything I write will be more than nothing).

Last week I officially severed the ties with the police department where I had worked for several years. I am no longer an employee of the state of Illinois. I loved that job but working over-nights was causing me major health issues. It was not the working nights, per se, rather the working nights and then trying to switch to days to be a real human with a family. I can totally understand why vampires don't come out during the day. They sleep in coffins or caves or wherever so there is not any light or passersby making racket. I did not sleep in a coffin but I did wear one of those eye mask thingies to block the light. I also had earbuds with music playing to drown-out the normal world rolling-on. I am much better now that I have a day job. I have never slept well and I thought some of that was from being born in Germany and then immigrating to this country at about eight months post-utero. Who knew that babies understood time at such an early age?  Also, don't tell President Clockwork Orange Julius Caesar (patent pending) that I am an immigrant.

Speaking of Tiny Hands, I watched a lot of "the address to the joint session of congress" last night. It was not as bad as I had anticipated it would be though I still find him a deplorable, egotistical, lying, hypocritical, conniving, opportunistic, sexist, bigot. I am not going to go off on that tangent here now. I know many people, including my father, think he is great. I think many of these people are happy to no longer have a black man as President and are relieved that the we do not have any woman as President. Incidentally, I voted for 44 twice and I voted for the white lady this past time. I did not watch the entire address because I got tired (literally and figuratively) of all of the clapping for every single statement. (insert standing ovation here). Enough about that.

All of a sudden I am really, really tired and it is only 18:42. Am I old? Yes. I will probably go to bed somewhere between 20:30 and 21:00 because I get up at 04:30. I have always been an early riser and I sleep very lightly both of which really stink. I should have probably worked at the fire department rather than the police department in hind-sight.

I bet both the police officers and firefighters had their jobs cut-out for them last night with the wicked storms that went through this part of the MIDDLEwest. We got some pretty good hail here but just a few counties south of us there were tornadoes and such. I worried about Splenda driving home from here to Chicago last night but she made it safely. She said she never got above 40 miles-per-hour on the tollway because of the rain and traffic. Thankfully, she made it back to her home on The North Side (represent!).

Hearing "north side" in my head makes me think of The Chicago Cubs. I really hope their reign is over. As a Cardinals' fan, believe it or not, I was happy that they won The World Series. I was happy for my friends who have been loyal fans for as long as they can remember. That being said, I hope they do not win it again until after I am ashes and dust and tree fertilizer. I was always gracious when my team would win but most of these people were not. I suppose they just didn't know how to handle it. Maybe if The Cubs win again the fans will be better prepared?

I am getting pretty tired of thinking and typing so I think I shall end this nonsense. I appreciate you stopping by and for the nice messages you sent saying that you were happy that I am writing the blog again. I am happy for that too and I hope to keep it up even though most of the times it is just nonsense. I do, however, accept requests and will attempt to write about anything.
Don't tell anyone but I may go to bed even earlier than 20:30 tonight. The wind is whipping outside again (better than inside I suppose) and I like to sleep on windy nights. The wind blowing reminds me of one of my favorite sounds in the world - the ocean waves crashing to shore and washing back out to sea.

Thank you, so very much, for stopping by; I appreciate it more than you can know. Oddly, the lights dimmed just as I wrote that. I suppose the high winds I hear whipping outside are responsible for that.

Good night and good blogs (ooooh - the lights just dimmed again. curiouser and curiouser). That will be good for sleeping too. I will try to write again tomorrow. MITM (out) TA!

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