Friday, March 10, 2017

In Constant Sorrow, I Blog Again

This was a creepy dude too. Probably the first time I took note of Sir Tony
I am not proofreading today so enter at your own peril! 

It is 17:30 and I am already in my pajamas. I have been fighting a cold for the last week or so and yesterday was terrible. I woke-up yesterday morning and thought about calling-off work but I decided to get dressed and go in. I lasted about four hours before I came home. I laid on the couch for a few hours watching some of the things on the DVR and then, at about 19:00 I went to bed. Cha Cha wasn't home yet but I had called (texted) that I was home and was going to bed. She said she'd stop and pick-up Portillo's on the way home. Oh, I forgot - I also watched a movie on HBO (HB2e to be precise) called Fracture. It drew me in at Anthony Hopkins and I watched the whole movie and loved it. I don't want to spoil it in case you are interested but his character in the film reminded me quite a bit of what, probably, is the most notable character in his repertoire. Not Alfred Hitchcock. Not John Quincy Adams. Not Dr. Kellogg. Not William Bligh. Not Richard Nixon. Not Frederick Treves. Not Pablo Picasso. Not Abraham. Van Helser Helsing. Not Methuselah. Not Claudius. Wow, he's played a lot of real-life people when I type those names. I bet you know what major one I left out that he is most famous for. Anyway, I loved it and recorded it for Jill. And, I ate the salad on my two breaks today as I was zonked-out on Tylenol PM before she got home.

So, today, on the way home from work (the whole ten hours this time) I stopped at Walgreen's and got some Mr.Bubble. I dare you to try to find any other bubble bath soap other than Mr. Bubble. I cannot remember the last time I took an actual bubble bath but my aches and pains from this cold made me want to give it a go. Incidentally, I am a shower guy and hot tubs do not count as baths in my opinion. Noah (Fabio) was home from school and it probably sounded odd to hear the bath running and the sounds of the O Brother, Where Art Thou? Pandora station coming from the upstairs master bathroom. I love that movie too (in my top-ten for sure) and I like some of that old-timey music. I do not like country per se but that this is more of like bluegrass music I think. I just realized, while typing, that Mr. Bubble (the soap) really dries-out your hands (mine at least). Now I am relaxed I feel like going to bed.
I am pretty sure that I am not eating any dinner tonight either as I am already in my pajamas and am having visions of sugarplums. I am not really even sure what a sugarplum is though I really like regular plums, Plums are my seventh favorite fruit.

Does one need to take a shower in the morning he she/he takes a bubble bath the previous night? I know it probably depends on the level of activity once one goes to bed but, at most, I might watch some television or listen to music. I think I may have started a trend. Fabio just went upstairs and I believe I hear the bathtub water running. Wait, it stopped. Maybe he was rinsing my DNA from the tub before he fills it for himself? He used to take quite a few baths as he was growing into his 6'6" body because he'd have aches (literal growing pains I assume)

I think I may watch last night's episode of Baskets before I head up. I love Zach Galifianakis and this show always cracks me up. Louie Anderson is awesome as is Zach. I sure am talking a lot about entertainment today. I will be right back I have to go grab another Ricola. Tomorrow is my Friday (your Saturday) and I am not gonna miss any more time being sick this week (he typed as he sneezed). I bet I don't see Cha Cha tonight either because I may be asleep within the hour (everybody is asleep before 20:00 these days aren't they?

Holy moley, that's further than I thought 
I think I am going to end on that. My nose is raw and my throat is scratchy and I should sleep. Thanks a lot for stopping by for what seems to have been an entertainment blog mixed with a bit of a pity party. Send me your bill for the therapy session and I will laugh and not pay it. Baskets may have to wait until tomorrow night or Sunday.

Did I mention that Jill and I are going to: New York City, Boston, Martha's Vineyard and Salem in a few months? If you've been there give us some advise. We haven't even decided whether we will fly or drive. I have been to NYC with a could of buddy to Mets and  Yankees games but I have not been to Beantown. Jill has been there because the publisher that she work for is based out of Boston. Neither of us has been to Salem or Martha's Vineyard. Okay, enough- I cannot stop coughing now. TTT (maybe tomorrow)...MITM (out) cough, cough, sniffle, cough... TA!

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