Monday, August 25, 2014

It's Not the Heat It's the Humidity

"Double Agent" doesn't include "Customer Service Squad"
Yeah, step one in getting the blog back to normal and Dirty Laundry Podcast back "on the air" has been completed. Step one was to get this computer back to 100%. I look it over to Best Buy on Saturday and they said it would take a day or two, four at the most, and they called last night (Sunday) and said it was ready. The guy who helped me on Saturday could easily be the poster boy for Geek Squad. He was every geek stereotype you have ever thought including bug-eyes. Did you know that these guys actually have badges that resemble the badge that I wear at work? There's has a Best Buy insignia in the center and mine has the state seal of Illinois but, other than that, not much difference. Mine is silver and theirs are gold - they must be sergeants, lieutenants, commanders or chiefs. Now that the computer is fixed we will be recording a new show and I will play the recorded message The Geek left me when the computer was done. Sounds like we will record Wednesday. While I was at Best Buy I posted on my Facebook page that they should start a Customer Service Squad or a Common Sense Squad. I was there at 11:08 on a Monday and there were hardly any customers in the store other than the ones that were waiting on-line for an audience with The Pope Santa The Geeks. I went to the register and said I was just there to pick something up (I had paid the $200 in advance on Saturday) but she said I would have to wait and that she was sorry. There were three blue-shirted people at empty registers, one yellow-shirted guy at the front door and seven blue-shirted people visiting with one another in the various departments throughout the store. I like the store and the people are nice and knowledgeable but they need some passion and direction. So, I finally got to the black-shirted, badged guy and he gave me my computer and had me sign a sheet saying I picked it up. I could have walked behind the counter and done that myself. One of the Smurfs couldn't have helped me with that?  I may write a letter to them. Maybe I will just send them a link to today's blog or the podcast because I bet I talk about this in this week's show.
Carnival Cruise Lines - The ultimate all-inclusive germ fests

I am not sure when we will be recording the show because I work seven days a week for three weeks (that includes this week which I am already half-way done with). I worked ten hours, during the day for a change, on Friday (all overtime) and I worked two extra last Tuesday (overtime) and the OT clock will continue to click. This coming Wednesday I will work from 22:00 until 06:00 Thursday and then I go back in at 12:00 Thursday and work until 22:00 (another ten hours of OT). Then I am not sure how many Friday (all OT) and then my regular five days and then more OT on Thursday, September 4th (23:00-04:00). Plus, I will work 7.5 hours on Labor Day which is 7.5 at regular time and another 7.5 of OT (we have a different way to calculate it but is basically comes out to be double time). Dang, my payroll is going to be a nightmare for the next three - four weeks. I always write these things here so I have a place to references when I am lost. I have them on my phone's calendar too but I need all the help I can get. 

I am sorry to blab-on about work so much but, that's pretty much all I know right now. I do know that, since our vacation, I have been sick with some kind of flu or a cold. I am just now starting to feel a bit better and not coughing constantly. Maybe all-inclusives where there are a lot of children isn't the best idea. Should have gone to an adult nudist all-inclusive. Maybe I would have a different kind of virus then though. 

I have got a lot of work done around the house done today. I woke up at 11:00 after four hours of sleep and crammed some projects in there. Now it is 15:00 and I am about ready to go back down for another four or five hours of sleep before a mere eight hour shift. I am not complaining about the work hours though it may seem that way. Some hours I signed-up for and some are being forced on me but when it comes to pay day it will be nice. I have to decide whether to take it all as pay or as Comp Time or some of each, Next Thursday I get to work a football game and those are usually fun to work though, occasionally, there are problems. With our business being safety and considered  "essential" sometimes means we "have to" work. 
Once the crazy hours are over we are going to upgrade the show for a more professional sound in the studio; I am very excited (those extra hour worth of cash will help out there).

I am going to end now. Sorry it was so boring. I really appreciate you stopping by. I hope you have a great night. It feels like this humidity may break soon. Last night at work I had to have the windshield wipers on most of the night because of the condensation from the tropical rain-forest weather fogging and soaking the windshield. I am pretty sure I will blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (zzzz)

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