Friday, August 29, 2014

Bamboozled, Hoodwinked, Swindled and Hornswoggled!

I think all of the technological breakthroughs have really made our lives easier. I wonder if that is really a good thing some times though. I believe many of us have become sissified. I am speaking for myself for the most part I guess. Maybe a lot of the problem in my case is also the fact that I am rapidly on the other side of MIDDLE-age. Most of the time I don't feel my age but for the last few days I feel Methuselah's age. Does anybody really believe that Methuselah was really 969 years old when he died? Geez, I wonder why people don't believe The Holy Bible is a real account of history. If The Bible was referring to lunar years that would have made him 81 years old which is more believable. I don't see how someone could live 969 years especially when, in Biblical times, one could not be sissified; not even a little bit.
Scanners and computers are much easier 

I got off on a tangent there. When I was talking about technological breakthroughs I had a whole different thing in mind. Remember back in the good old days of forgery where they would capture these people and they would have all of the printing plates, bags of money, ink on their fingers... and such on the news reports? It was so costly back in the day and it wasn't even worth the time to counterfeit anything smaller than a C-Note. Technology has even sissified these people. Now they can even counterfeit V-Notes. I am not sure, but, if $100 bills are called C-Notes because the "C" is 100 in Latin than $5 bills should be called V-Notes because "V" is five. There have been five-dollar-bills counterfeited in my MIDDLEwestern town. I think maybe we should go back to gold and silver being weighed on scales. I suppose debit and credit cards would work too?

I's tired boss, dog tired. I did my time sheet at work before I came home last night and I got 21 hours of overtime this week. That makes the soreness and tired feeling subside a bit. I took all of those hours as COMP time. So, 21 hours turned into 30.5 hours of vacation time. And I have more OT coming next week. Some pain, some gain - totally worth it. I gained almost an entire week off with pay. I think time with my family and friends is much more valuable than money; you can't counterfeit friends and family.

I have to mow the back yard today. I would do it now but it rained so much last night that the yard is soaked. So weird... I am sitting at a table on the patio in the backyard and, as I typed that last sentence, the sun came out.
Give me my money you crotchety old poop! 
Cha Cha and I WILL record on the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast today/tonight. I think we are going to go down and see what they know at Corn Fest today too. Right now, however, I need to end this blog so I can shower and get ready for my meeting with Old Man Potter down at the bank and see about my retirement money. When I left my last crappy job of 16 years I had to do something with my 401K and stuff. They want me to come in and go over it and make sure it is "doing everything (I) want it to do." Well, if they mean just sit in an account somewhere and make other people money I am sure it is doing that. I will never retire; do many people really retire unless it is for health reasons anymore? Maybe I should just close the account and pay off my house. Wouldn't that be more prudent? Then I could just take that $990 I pay for mortgage each month and put that extra money away for my retirement. Why do I just let other people make money off of my money? Why do any of us? We have been bamboozled, hoodwinked, swindled and hornswoggled!

Have a great day. I hope to be caught up on sleep and lacking pain later today just in time to start the roller coaster all over again. Wish me luck with Henry F. Potter. I really wish I was more financially savvy. Look for the new show within the next day or two. I will let you know again tomorrow. TTTThen...MITM (out)

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