Friday, August 15, 2014

Am I Being Watched

Fabio is 90 minutes away from his first job interview. He is very nervous but we have been practicing possible interview questions most of the morning. He wasn't near this nervous when he was the starting pitcher in a championship game or was taking a buzzer-beater at a basketball game. I told him that nervousness is a good thing. He will do great. If he doesn't get this job at least he is getting this experience out of the way. Coincidentally, I am going to go over to fill out a "request to test" form at my work today so that I can be considered for a different position within my same company. This other position would be working Monday through Friday from 08:00 - 16:30. That means I will leave home at 07:45 and be back at home by 16:45 and have weekends (real weekends) off. I would be a real boy! Additionally, I would not HAVE TO work on my normal weekend days because my job won't be "essential" or emergency-related. The pay starts just pennies below where I am now which probably means that the pay-scale is better than mine since I think I am on the second tier of my scale and the first tier of that one is nearly where my second tier is. I think I am up for a raise in less than a year but the money versus the much better days/hours is a great trade-off. And, if my suspicions are correct, the pay eventually will be higher. However, at my current position, we are getting ready to renegotiate our Union contract. The job I am interviewing for now must already have a better contract. Ques Sera Sera!

We didn't record the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast last night. We are going to record it this afternoon while Cha Cha is on her lunch break. 

Tonight I think we are going to The House Cafe (there's more info about the show at the red link there) to see Mathew Tembo, Abraham Mellish and Tuna Boot. Mathew is from Zambia and we have played his music on our show before. He actually sent me a text while I was at lunch with Greg yesterday asking if I would come see him tonight. Maybe it will mean a couple of new musical acts for us to play on the show too (Mellish and Tuna Boot). Greg and Cha Cha and I will be there (and Jay Cole - our great friend who has been on the show several times says he will be there too). Come on out and get worldly with us! I think we are going to have a bonfire in the backyard after that too. Maybe we can have Mathew come back and serenade us by the fire too? 

Now I am reflecting about my current job. There are several things I like about working nights. I love that in the summer it is cooler at night. I also love the wildlife (not talking about the wild people) that I see at night. The other night (your Wednesday night) I saw something run across the street ahead of me. It was just beyond my headlights. As I got closer it turned back and ran into the woods about 30 yards off the street. I stopped as there was nobody else around in the MIDDLE of the night and shined my flashlight in that direction. I saw trees and two bright yellow eyes staring back at me. It was weird because my light went directly to those eyes. They were not close to the ground; it was a large animal. It didn't run like a deer when it went back into the woods. It did not run when I shined the light either. It just stood barely in the trees and watched me. Chupacabra? I think they have blue eyes. Big Foot? There was that bear on the loose in our county about a month ago and I haven't heard anything else about that bear. Seemed bigger than a wolf. Maybe a cougar? Tiger? It did look that large. I am going to say panther or cougar. 

I have to get in the shower and get over to Human Resources and get that paperwork filled out so I can test for that job. Have a great night and maybe we'll see you downtown tonight. Fabio has been gone for over an hour so I am hoping that means he is filling out his employment papers. I will probably blog tomorrow. Have a great night - thanks a lot for stopping by. 

Fabio just walked in - HE GOT THE JOB!!!!! YES!

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