Thursday, August 21, 2014

Gravied is as Gravied Does

Crazy time begins now. In honor of crazy time today is Thanksgiving. I have the turkey in the oven the potatoes are on the stove and the stuffing is ready to be gravied. Can you believe gravied is not a word?   I don't know what made me want to do the whole turkey dinner today. I think I was just in the mood for comfort food and turkey meatloaf didn't sound good to me; if you're gonna involve a turkey and it isn't shaped into a dog or a burger you may as go with a turkey, right? Tomorrow night is salad night; I bet there will be turkey on my salad tomorrow. Even though tomorrow is supposed to be one of my weekend days this week it is not. I go in at 06:00 and work until probably 14:00 or 15:00. It is all overtime so I hope it lasts quite awhile. I will be directing traffic and bossing people around all day but I have worked this day for the past three years; I am pretty much an expert and directing traffic. I am pretty much an expert on the weather for tomorrow too. It will be hot and humid and then it will rain cats and dogs and I will step in lots of poodles. Last year it rained so much that my waterproof boots let weather in between the boot leather and the laces; it will rain tomorrow as blog is my witness. geicobb1.jpg

I am still having adjustment issues using the Mac for the blog rather than the PC. It is much easier to add graphics with the old copy and paste feature of the PC but if you see a graphic above this paragraph I figured it out. If you do not, obviously, I did not. It sure smells like turkey up in this hizzy.

I don't know if you remember me talking about having those out-of-body mind experiences awhile back and my buddy Shawn saying it sounded like an inner-ear infection but they happened again the other night. The doctor checked my ears the last time, at the suggestion of Dr. Shawn, and there was no infection. More than coincidentally I think, I have a cold this time too. Last time I felt like I was in Mickey Dolenz's body but this time I had three or four experiences and I slipped into two different people's minds or bodies or whatever: This time I became Daryl Dragon and Max Baer Jr.  There was one particular place, while I was driving, that it happened three separate times when I passed this same area. It was very off-putting. I wonder if it is like a vortex or something in this particular spot. Maybe I am a medium (more like an XL really). Fortunately, it is not the spot I will be standing in tomorrow morning.

I am going to wrap-up. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great rest of tonight and good tomorrow. I should be able to blog tomorrow depending on what time I get off and whether or not I get water blogged logged. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out)!

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