Monday, July 30, 2012

It's Friday, I'm In Love!

"Matt be nimble Matt be quick."
It's Friday, I'm in love! Even though it's only my Friday (not only mine but I know I am in the minority in America). Tomorrow is really going to Saturday because we are loadin' up the family truckster and heading to the big city tomorrow. We're going to Chicago for the day. I love Chicago. I guess I should say I love living close to Chicago but I don't think I would like living there. Maybe I would but it's a lot more expensive and I like to be under the gaydar; too many people too close seems too intrusive to me and how could I be so eccentric if people were giving me crap about being so weird all the time?

I think we may actually record the podcast in Chicago. We have never really recorded the show on location before. We have recorded segments on the go but never the entire podcast. I don't what to expect but I am sure something will come of it. I can honestly say that I have learned at least one new thing every time we have recorded a show and this will be the same. If you're in the city and want to be on the show tomorrow let me know.

I have watched The Olympics off-and-on and have noticed that the audiences tend to be a bit sparse old chaps. I have not been the only one who has noticed as I have heard it off-and-on on the news. Maybe The Olympics aren't as big a deal as they used to be when we didn't have ESPN 8: The Ocho. I think the 24-hour news cycle and the 24-hour sports cycle have made it so The Olympics aren't that big a deal anymore. I am a huge sports fan and I was there when ESPN launched and I loved it; I still watch it a couple of times a week. Goodness knows I am one of those people who drive things into the ground when I like them (ironic isn't it?). I could list probably over 1,000 things I did ad nauseam over time so I consider myself a bit of an ad nauseam expert. I was also a Radio-Television major in college (mass media) as well as being world-renown podcaster and blogger so I  am pretty much a big deal in the media ad nauseum arena and we are a country who takes everything to the extreme. I am too lazy to find out what the controversy over the empty seats is saying but I imagine that the tickets are too expensive, you can't resell the tickets, I am not the only person that thinks "beach volleyball" should be played on a beach and not in a sandbox in a stadium, people are too busy eating fish and chips or tea and crumpets... I bet when Team USA plays basketball the seats will be full. Some of the sports are boring or difficult to watch live. If Chicago had won The Olympics bid I doubt that I would have wanted to go to battle the crowds and the security and the crime that follows such an event. At least Kate, Duchess of Cambridge was there. Why can't she just be called Princess Kate?

I am going to have to take a blogging break. I am going to drive Fabio and his buddy Adam to see Dark Knight Rises. Yes, it's the same movie that he and I saw and I talked about for quite a bit on Dirty Laundry Podcast but I guess he liked it and wants to see it again. It won't be as good as the first time as this one will not be in IMATT. Go ahead and get something to drink and eat and go to the bathroom and talk amongst yourselves and I will be back quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. What the hell does that mean? Does that refer to Jackie Robinson? I think I am going to start saying, "...quicker than you can say Jackie Robinson." People will look at me like I'm an idiot but you would be surprised how comfortable I am with people looking at me that way. Maybe you wouldn't be surprised with that but it is A LOT!

When I get back I am also going to download Lindsay Buckingham's Holiday Road onto Roz. Those Vacation references have gotten that song stuck in my head. He has some pretty good songs - even if you don't count the ones with Fleetwood Mac.

Did you miss me?

I just should have wrapped-up when I left because now the flow has stopped. Like there really was any flow. I feel like I have to leave you with one more thing but what?

I know...some advise. If you like Red Lobster either go there before they are all gone or just make peace with the fact that they will out-of-business soon and move on. That also goes for Olive Garden. They are in financial trouble along with Longhorn Steakhouse. Parent company, Darden Restaurants. They may just have a bad 2013 but the tough American economy is making these restaurants becoming too expensive to take a family to. The good thing is that you probably won't need a reservation or wait very long if you go.

I am going to wrap-up now and eat my $5.00 footlong from Subway and not think about Michael Phelps...damn, too late. What do you suppose you can get for $5 at Olive Garden or Red Lobster? Breadsticks and cheddar cheese rolls or whatever they are called? I am not sure if I will be able to blog tomorrow with going to Chicago and recording the podcast but I will try (probably not very hard though. TTT the podcast....MITM (country mouse heading to rub whiskers with the city mice) TA!

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