Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Pinkie Swore So Here I am!

I pinkie swore!
I said I would most likely blog today so even though in the MIDDLEwest it's 10PM it is still officially today. Today has been busy but a promise is a promise. Tomorrow, on the other had, I am not sure if I will blog or not. I am not sure how long this blog will be because my sinuses were acting up and I took one Benadryl; I say one because I usually take two so maybe one will just get rid of the sinus headache and not make me sleepy. I will take a second when it's beddy-by time.

We are having a rare thunderstorm right now. I am happy I am off tonight so maybe I can take advantage of sleeping with the window open and a thunderstorm stirring things up. There's few things I like more than sleeping at night while it's storming. I would estimate that it is my 287th favorite thing.

The new podcast is ready and I am going to fight the urge to link it in today's blog. You know how to get there by now and if not I know you're smart enough to find Dirty Laundry Podcast on Podomatic or on iTunes

The last I had heard of Rush Limbaugh was when we jabbed him a couple of weeks or months ago after he called that lady a "slut." I thought we, along with his sponsors pulling their advertisement money, had ended his career but I have found out that he is still broadcasting. I guess if Oxycontin can't end him how could advertising money ceasing? His latest nonsensical comments suggest that the latest Batman villain in The Dark Knight Rises , Bane, is a slam on Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Apparently Romney was with the investment fund Bain Capital and Rush Nutball Limbaugh says that when the election is in full swing people will associate Romney with this villain. Bain Captal was said to have outsourced jobs to Mexico and China while Romney was CEO, Chairman and sole stockholder. The funny thing about this is that Romney didn't even run for public office until 1994 when he lost to Ted Kennedy but Bane appeared in a Batman comic in 1993 so this has Back To The Future tied-in there somewhere. I guess we need to be completely stupid, irresponsible and make crazy stuff up to make the podcast really take-off.
I guess it could be the same dude.
I totally have blogger's-block because I am not used to blogging this late/ I think I am going hang it up for today. If you need to know what has been on my mind please go the place of which I will not link.  Thank you for stopping in and I will try to do better next time - I may actually blog tomorrow sometime because I know I have more in me that this sinus headache is holding in. I am off to take Benny #2 and, unfortunately, the storm seems to be over. Have a great hour (the rest of the night) and a great tomorrow. TTTT (most likely)...MITM (out to knock myself out to go out). TA!

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