Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How About a Little One On One Lesbian Scientology?

Dear Bloggary:
It's hotter than Helser again in the MIDDLEwest. It's days like these that I am happy I work nights and sleep in the air conditioning with two fans on me during the day. While I am writing this I am watching what I assume is the ending of a free Encore weekend. I am currently watching Ice Castles. I thought it was the Robby Benson / Lynn-Holly Johnson film from the late 70's when I turned it on but it's another remake (2010) of a movie that didn't need to be remade. So, I am watching a chick-flick remade of a chick-flick that I had seen several times. I know this may be Matterosexual but I really like Robby Benson. I think my favorite Robby Benson movie, besides Beauty and the Beast, is easily One On One. Of all the stupid movies that they replay all the time I never see One On One. Henry Steele is the bomb yo! I need to check Netflix for it.

Tonight we record the Dirty Laundry Podcast and I plan to talk about another movie that is currently being cast for remake. We talked about Total Recall last week and now another movie that doesn't need to be remade because it was perfectly good is being redone. This is one of my pet peeves lately. Spoiler alert **** the blind chick is skating in competition again and it's the same song that Lynn-Holly Johnson skated too - I actually may have crossed the threshold and now am 58% estrogen and 42% testosterone. I am fine with that as I have always preferred the fairer sex! I am fairly certain if I am 58% female I am 100% of that 58% lesbian. I am glad to finally be a member ladies. I wonder if she is going to trip on the flowers at the end like in the first one? I will let you know in a minute....the suspense is killing me. I gotta say that this Taylor Firth is a much better actress that Lynn-Holly. Uh Oh, she just tripped.... I knew she had to because that was a huge part of the whole movie. They were teddy bears this time instead of flowers so I guess it isn't a true remake.
I only slept for like four hours so I am kinda sleepy. I may try to sleep a little before we record the show but then I will be up all night though I am not sure if that is good or bad? I don't think I will ever be a real boy ever again; I am destined to be a part-time human for the end of my days I fear. I really like my job a lot but protecting and serving really takes a toll on the family time.

There sure is a lot of talk about Scientology with the splitting of Katie Holes and Tom Cruise. I would really love to have a Scientologist on the podcast. I know a current Scientologist couldn't/wouldn't be on the show but a former member would be better anyway. If you or someone you know is/are a former Scientology member please get in touch with me. I heard that a car that Katie Holmes was in last night was side-swiped by a garbage truck; curious? What is a garbage truck doing out at night? I guess that is when they empty all of those dumpsters but it sure seems scientolospicious (trademark/patent/copyright). Was that before or after Katie registered the couples' daughter Suri in Catholic girls' school? Instead of remakes - this is the movie Hollywood should be making right now!!! But, who would they get to be in it? I know Cruise and Travolta would be out. Catherine Bell is a Scientologist? That makes me sad. Maybe Robby Benson would be in it....a boy can dream!
I am pretty sure I am lesbian trapped in a man's body

Alright I just felt like writing so I wrote and thank you for giving me a reason. I hope you have a great night - stay cool Middlewest-diego. Make sure to head over to the Dirty Laundry Podcast Facebook page and "like" it so you'll know when the podcast is ready. TTTT (most likely)....MITM on a singular mission for One On One!

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