Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pods They Are a Changin'?

It's Monday again in Matt In The Middleland but almost the weekend in your land. Yesterday was an expensive day. I registered Fabio for school for the upcoming year with sports and lab fees plus the class he took for summer school ($486.00), two cars needed stickers renewed ($198.00), boat storage ($400.00), groceries ($90.00), recording Dirty Laundry Podcast (priceless). Why is life so expensive? Come to think of it, death is expensive too. I am proud that Fabio voluntarily takes an extra class every summer (as well as basketball camp which isn't quite a voluntarily) but it's a pain all summer getting him up... and it makes doing summer vacation-type things difficult but between the two classes he has already taken and Driver's Education through an outside company he is already three classes ahead in school and he is only entering his sophomore year; he may actually get out of high school a semester early at this rate.

If you listen to the podcast you will remember that we had a programmer from an internet radio network approach us a couple of months ago about joining their network of shows. I expressed interest and we were gonna "do lunch" but it ended there for awhile.Yesterday I received a message that the network is still being put-together and they are still very interested in Dirty Laundry. I was told that we would still have 100% creative control of the show (a point that would have been non-negotiable to us). I guess the only difference in loads of Dirty Laundry would be that we would have "real" commercials and we would get paid. I wonder if we could bash our sponsors if we didn't like their products or services or if we could choose who we want to advertise on our show? I was told that I/we would be called "Program Director (PD)." That means new business cards - yes, Dirty Laundry Podcast does have business cards. The ad sales will be broken up into percentages between: us (the PD's), the sales agent and the network. We would actually have sales agents selling ad time for us? I know it's small but it's forward movement. I am not going to get too excited - if it's meant to be it will happen and if not, it won't. I have so many questions like: would we make the commercials ourselves or would they send us a ads ready for broadcast? Would we have to sign a contract? I have asked the person who is putting together the network to be on the podcast (actually he suggested it and I agree) and thought it would be cool to talk about it on the show. Hey, that would let you hear what is going on and offer your advise, cautions, suggestions... because we do the show for you and are always interested in what you have to say. Also, we would have our recorded discussion if we ever had any questions. Do we need an agent and/or legal representation now? We have: a Music Director (Eric Solfisburg), several Associate Producers (MADYM, Jay Cole, The Lost Sock, Greg Weindorf), a field reporter that we haven't heard from since he got tasered at the NATO Summit (Preston Ulysses Sherwood) and an Entertainment Reporter (also Greg Weindorf) now do we need a legal team? Get your resume together just in case. Stay tuned to this Matt Channel (and the podcast) for updates.

A storm is coming - the satellite television is "searching for a signal." That, and my little friend to the left, are always good indicators of coming storms.

The last time I blogged I did it in the MIDDLE of the night and I mentioned  that Sherman Helmsley and Chad Everett had died. It was cool to watch the morning news and see that they were reporting on what I blogged about before they reported it. I am sorry it had to be about deaths but it was pretty cool.

I heard a story last week about a 72-year-old Michigan woman (Linda Lou Chase) who had been living with her long-time housemate about 18 months after he stopped living. The companion, Charles Zigler (67) had died of natural causes. Apparently there was nothing illegal about what she did or did not do with the dead body - watch NASCAR and play solitaire with it I suppose. The illegal part came when she kept cashing his pension and Social Security checks (forgery) since he died. Now she will get a new companion called a cell-mate. I would want Cha Cha to keep cashing checks that came to me but I guess not reporting my death and ripping-off the system wouldn't be right. The system has never ripped anybody off right? I guess in our case she would get more from my insurance and in the case of these people I am thinking there was no insurance involved since they were not married. I don't want to make assumptions but isn't that what life is - making a series of assumptions?
Charles Zigler

Alright, I have to figure out dinner for these people here. Thank you for stopping by and for listening to the podcast. I appreciate you reading the blog any advise you have regarding the possibility of Dirty Laundry Podcast being a part of a network. I am not sure if I am excited about being on a network or just the idea of it. I just don't want it to change the way we do the show and for the reasons that we do it. Have a great Thursnight (Monnight for me) and maybe I will blog tomorrow. TTT?...MITM (out).
Leave them with somethin' Roz!

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