Saturday, July 28, 2012

Complaint Department is now Open

London Bridge is NOT falling down like they said
Happy Humpday (or probably Saturday to you). I just woke up and am watching Korea and against US of America in women's volleyball. It's funny how we call our country "land of the free" and "the free world" but we can only watch the Olympics on NBC when they decide we can so they can show us commercials. If you are in America try to watch the Olympics on the BBC on-line. They block it from us in America so we have to watch it on commercial television. I am sure there are ways around it but they don't make it easy to exercise our freedoms. I suppose that is what they mean by "freedom has its price."

Do you have a laptop? Why when I am typing on the laptop sometimes and I stop does the cursor move to somewhere else and I begin typing in the MIDDLE of another paragraph or sentence? Cha Cha says that it's because you hit something that moves it. She says that it doesn't seem like it but that is what happens. I try vary hard to make sure that nothing touches the keyboard while I am typing the blog but it still happens; it is very irritating.

Nicole Davis, #6 on Team USA, has one of the best tattoos that I have ever seen. I am not a fan of tattoos but this one is pretty cool for her. She has the Olympic rings on her nape. Some people call it the nape of the neck but isn't nape sufficient? It's like calling that taint the taint of the crotch (or some other unsavory word). She has it in all black instead of in the five colors.

I cannot believe I am going to miss Baconpalooza (see yesterday's blog). I have never been much of a bacon fan so I guess I can believe it. Also, I am a pescatarian again, ever since I got back from Texas, so there's two reasons. That makes me think...I went downtown yesterday to pick-up my watch that I had dropped off at Wright Jewelers Wednesday. I had taken it in because it was "sweating." When I would wear it outside in the heat/humidity, which was just about every night, the inside would build up condensation. It is a nice watch and Cha Cha had given it to me for one of our 24 anniversaries and I am a pretty sentimental person so it means a lot to me. I took it in and the lady there, "Old Lady Wright" I will call her, said he husband was off that day but would look at it and I could come back on Friday to pick it up. When I picked it up "Old Lady Wright" was in the store cutting the cheese, really cutting cheese and sausage not the funnier version of cutting the cheese, and talking to some other lady - presumably a customer. She got the watch and said her husband, "took the back off and let it dry out." I asked if he had found a bad seal or something and she said, "I am not sure but if he had I am sure he would have told me." I then told her in a sarcastic voice, like I do when I feel people deserve sarcasm (I was on the 1980 and 1984 USA Sarcasm Teams - "Miracle on Voice"), "I could have just let it dry out." She then she told me that he had replaced the battery and that would be $7. How do you tell when a watch battery is going bad if it is working fine? I paid the $7 and will never go back to that store again and I will blog about how they suck (that is what this is). You have lost a customer for $7 and for cutting the cheese. I have gone here a couple of times and always felt like their service skills stunk but I gave them a couple of chances and it's time to move-on. I should have known when I saw their little display last time on the glass counter front-and-center. It is a bronzed hand grenade that says "complaint compartment" and tells you to pull a number. I thought it was funny when I first saw it but now I realize it wasn't a joke. D & D Jewelers in Sycamore this serves as notice that you are on-deck and I am coming to you next time. I had bought Cha Cha a couple of rings there and they are nice so I will drive the extra miles to make them my jeweler. I never thought that I would have a jeweler...."I gotta a guy."
I guess I do need to be knocked on the head
One of the best players on Team USA's women's volleyball team is named Destiny Hooker. If your last name was hooker would you name your daughter Destiny? I think I would have named her Tulip Jean and just called her T.J. Hooker.

I gotta get showered. Cha Cha and Splenda went to IKEA and when they get back I think we are going to Aquaviva for dinner. I wish I didn't have to work later so I could have a Bloody Mary or seven. Have a nice Saturnight and thank you for stopping in. I will probably blog again tomorrow (not a pinkie swear though). I am really enjoying blogging again. I think I just had to slow-down for awhile; who knew you could get burnt-out from blogging. If you haven't already - please listen to this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast before I get burnt-out of that too (it's only once a week so I doubt that will happen). TTTT....MITM (wishing you an excellent jump/float serve) TA!

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