Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Matt and Jeff

My weekend is well under way. My weekend and your hump day started with me going grocery shopping again. I bought mostly fruits and vegetables and some chicken to add to my salads. Oh yeah, and the zero calorie decaffeinated iced tea that I love (I can only find it at one place and, thankfully, that is the store closest to here). Of course, I bought a couple of kinds of giardinieras that I use for my salad dressings too.

I met a few people from work (who are also on their 4-day weekends) at Applebee's here in town for lunch. Applebee's doesn't have many choices that are weight-loss/health-friendly, I learned, so I got a grilled chicken breast that came with two sides. I chose steamed broccoli for my first said and steamed broccoli for my second side. I also drank iced tea even though some of the others were drinking Golden Margaritas. I love margaritas but I like fitting into my existing clothes instead of buying new clothes even more.

When I first woke up I stepped on the scale and saw that I had lost 12 pounds since last Wednesday. I realize that will not happen every week but eating, mainly fruits and vegetables, has really worked so far. I pee like a racehorse as I take in a lot of liquids and the fruits also add to that liquid intake.The salads assist with disposing of a fair amount of waste too. I do know that my body is doing what it is made to do at this point.

Sorry, I got side-tracked: calling my dad, setting-up a grooming day for Jeff and working on paying some bills. I am not sure how I got everything done when I had two-day weekends and then three-day weekends. Tomorrow I am going to work on cleaning the garage. It is weird how the garage closes-in on us during the winter months and then we have to make room for the other two seasons. Winters seem to last a lot longer these days; it is really nice today though.

Jeff and I just went to the post office to mail some bills. Jeff, being a dog, doesn't have many bills but he loves to ride in the car so I bring him with when I am paying our bills when the opportunity is accommodating for him. He doesn't have a checking account of his own so I usually pay his bills for him. That is one of the benefits of being Matt's best friend (don't tell him but he is probably in the top 20 but he is not my best friend). I know he would sell me out for a bowl of kibble is he had the chance. I can appreciate that. I would not leave him in the car alone very long and this was just a drive-up and slip the envelopes into the box kind-of a deal. Speaking of Jeff, I called and made an appointment for him to get his nails (or claws or whatever a dog has) snipped and a bath. Why did I agree on having him in Geneva at 7 AM? Granted, I will still have the rest of that day off and Saturday off but, 7 AM?
Yes, he is driving and no, that is not a Cubs' cap

I mentioned, in Friday's blog, that the Andre' The Giant special was going to be on HBO soon. Well, soon is today and I am going to watch it when I am done writing today. Cha Cha still has a few days in Austin. She flies home on Thursday and boy, will her wings be tired.

I am still on the fence about the Facebook thing and whether I should leave the social media giant. Cha Cha got off of it several years ago for goodness' sake; she felt that what has ended-up happening was happening. She has been the brains of this operation for just about forever. I am too nosy and I like to stay in touch with you; Facebook seems to be one of the easiest and quickest ways to do that with all of our different schedules, longitudes and latitudes...

Okay, I have Andre on my mind now so I will wrap this up. I have the thought-span of a collie. Thank you for reading my blather and maybe, while Jeff is getting a snip snip here and a snip snip there and a couple of la-di-das I will find a place with WiFi and I will blog. If not then, I will find time to write again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out).

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