Thursday, April 5, 2018

I do not think that means what you think it means!

  It rarely does in my case  
I thought I would blog again today because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. I hope I have tomorrows for today and tomorrow, at the very least, since I have the days after those days off. I have had to reread those last two sentences because I am not sure that they mean what I mean them to mean. When I die I want to die on a night before a day that I have to work. Wouldn't it stink to die right before your weekend? Not like we'd know, I suppose.

I have been working on my novel but I am not certain that it will be done before I am. What the heck is it with me and the great beyond today? I don't remember any particulars about my dreams from last night. I do like that, in my sleep, I can steer the directions of my dreams and/or if anything awful is or is about to happen in my dream I can steer the course of my dream. I had tried to do that for years and, now that I have stopped trying about six months or so ago, I can do it. I have always wanted to be able to meld with other people's dreams while dreaming but I am not sure that is possible. I am not even certain that is even a thing. I suppose that might just be telepathy?

The mailman just delivered a box for Cha Cha for a big work thing she is doing. I texted her that it had arrived and she typed, "oh man, can you bring it to me?" Of course, I said "yes" and now I have to get out of my Hugh Hefner pajamas again and drive to Geneva and deliver a package. I will put some other clothes on before I go rather than go nude even though the weather is pretty nice already. Maybe I should buy a big brown truck? By the time you read this (right now) I will be back already and it will seem, to you, like no time has gone by. I wish I had a Delorean DMC-12 with 1.21 jiggawatts so I could be back here before I got out of my pajamas. With those butterfly wing doors only one car could fit in the garage so that is impractical. Since you are reading this now I am already back. Maybe I did have 1.21 jiggawatts? Okay I am getting dressed now even though I am already back. 
I still have so many things to do and it's almost 14:00. It was nice to see Cha Cha for about 55 seconds. She said she will not be home late tonight. I know she really thinks that but she will not be home early either. It's okay, we don;t have anything planned for tonight. I have to pay some bills (as always).

I need to stop eating so much again. I think I am going back to fruits and vegetables and salads with giardeniera for dressing. I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I am sad. I eat when I am bored. I eat the wrong things. I know what to do and how to do it but I have just not felt like doing it again for some reason.

I just looked out the window and it is snowing now. Not very heavily but I am tired of the snow for now.

I know I talked a lot about The Rockford Peaches and how my mom was their bat girl back in the 1940's (I didn't talk about it in the 1940's, rather, she was bat girl in the 1940's and I was not even though of in the 1940's) and now they are making another movie about the team and the AAGPBL (All-American Girls Professional Baseball League) for Netflix. More of a documentary this time and focusing a lot about The Peaches because of the film A League of Their Own. There is a big deal going on in Rockford in May/June and it sounds like my mom will have a photo, at least, in the International Women's Baseball Center. I wish that could have happened before she died. I think my brother may even fly home from Hawaii to be here. I guess Penny Marshall and Tom Hanks will each be directing part of the film. Marshall directed the movie and Hanks portrayed the coach of the team in the movie.

I have some bills to pay so I had better end for now. I like when radio stations say they are going to take a break to pay some bills and they mean commercials because the advertisers are paying them to run the spots. I do not have ads but I know that blogger inserts ads when I post the blogs. I wish they did not do that but they do. Thanks for stopping in again today. I do appreciate you and, surprisingly, I think I will be back again tomorrow. Have a great night and I will blog you again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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