Thursday, April 12, 2018

It's a Good Day (let's keep it that way)

Good morning. I say good morning because as I begin this it is 11:33. If you are reading this after noon you can substitute "morning" for afternoon of evening or night or day or whatever you choose. That is one of the freedoms we still have as Americans. Which brings me to different time zones too. I know there are people who read this in other parts of the world so it may even be tomorrow or yesterday for you.

I worked on the taxes this morning and I do not have Cha Cha's W-2. All I need to do is get her information and then finish and electronically file. When I got done doing what I could do I ate some fruit (pineapple, cantaloupe, grapes, blackberries, blueberries and bananas). I then went up stairs and put on some dirty clothes and cleaned the garage. It took about two hours but I did a pretty good job. When Jill drives into the garage she will think she is at the wrong house save for the fact that her garage door opener opened the garage door. I am not sure what time she will be back from Texas. I talked to her once when she got to Austin but not since. I sent her a text this morning but I imagine she is busy.

When I got up this morning I watched the HBONow original movie Paterno. I remember all of the sexual abuse cases against Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky who was convicted of being a serial rapist but I never really knew all of the details and how Joe Paterno (played by Al Pacino in this movie) fit into the equation. The end of the movie kind of left me still not knowing whether or not Paterno knew what Sandusky had been up to before his firing. It was a good movie to watch while doing taxes but it saddened me also. Sandusky was molesting young men/boys during football camps that he held. I recommend the movie but it is sad and disturbing at times.
Pretty good casting and who doesn't love Al Pacino?

I slept very well last night but cleaning the garage and working in the backyard really tuckered me out. It is my first day of my two hump days and I am already tired? Maybe I worked all of the fruit off too quickly and I need to refuel. I am thinking salad for lunch. I love salads and there are so many different things you can to to and with salads. Oh, I just remembered that I got the frozen broccoli in those steamer bags. That may be lunch?

I really enjoyed Andre' The Giant (the movie). He was such a special and very unique person. I feel even more fortunate that I had an actual encounter with him even if for only a brief time. I did not realize how special and wonderful of a person until seeing this show.

I called my dad yesterday to see how he is doing. He was waiting for my mom's life insurance check to come so he could pay off the funeral homes and the cemetery... He asked me, a few week's ago, if I would go with him when he got the check and, of course, I said "yes." But when I called and inquired about it he said that he got the check on Monday and went up to Rockford on Tuesday. He said he also stopped by the cemetery to see mom. I was kind of disappointed but he wanted to get that off of his plate. I guess we are going to get lunch this week or next?

I am still entertained (horrifyingly entertained) by our country's leader. I know religion and politics and money are the three things you are never supposed to talk about but I am blogging about a few of them and that is not one of the rules, right? I respect most opinions on all three and am open to hearing about any of them. I may disagree but I am open-minded enough to listen and form my own opinions on any of the three. Of the three, I like money the best.

I am going to get some more food in me (mainly broccoli) and work that off. I am hoping you are having weather similar to what we are having here today because it is just about perfect in my mind and on my skin. I wonder if Jill will want to go to Geneva with me tomorrow? I imagine she will be sleepy and getting up at 6:00 AM, when she just got back from a work trip, probably isn't on the top of her list of things to do right away.

Okay, have a great rest of your day and I suspect I will be able to blog again tomorrow. Jeff is sleeping on the floor next to me and that seems like a pretty inviting idea? Oh, I am going to start some laundry now while the broccoli is steaming instead. Thanks a lot for stopping by. TTTT...MITM (out)

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