Sunday, April 29, 2018

If You Blog the Truth You Don't Have to Remember Anything

My hat is actually my new Rockford Peaches' cap
We are back from vacation/ 30th anniversary celebration. We cut the trip a bit short to save money. I, sometimes, hate when good sense takes over. It was going to be tough and more grueling to go all the way to Arkansas as Cha Cha has to work tomorrow. I am off until next Sunday. I thought she had taken more days off but I suppose it just seams like I took more days off because I have my usual four days off before my three vacations days and my usual four days off after Tuesday. We had a great time at the Cardinals' game as they won in 13 innings. It is nice when the game is on a weekday and when it goes long because people leave and we all get to move closer.

I didn't realize that I had gotten as much sun as I did until we got back to the hotel and I took my watch off. It is like a bikini strap tan except with a watch and on the wrist.

After a few days in St. Louis we went to Hannibal and stayed there for a few days. I am a huge Mark Twain and it is a fun, quaint place. We did a lot of the touristy stuff there and, while walking around, we saw a lot of buildings for sale or lease and talked about maybe buying one. We are looking to downsize soon because this place has gotten very large over the years with people moving-on and such. One thing that would cause me pause is that Hannibal has very poor WiFi (maybe that is why they still have that small town feel?). In addition to poor WiFi, Missouri also has a wack-job of a Governor (Eric Greitens). There had been rumors of his resigning after he said that there was "no blackmail" and "no violence" and he had "a consensual relationship" with his former hairdresser. The hairdresser said the Governor "had bound her hands and blindfolded her, taken a photo of her partially nude and warned her to remain silent during an encounter in his St. Louis home." I may just stay in good old liberal Illinois though we still do have too much house now. Thanks for the heads up Gov. Whack job.

I did quite a bit of writing off-and-on again for what may become a story or two. I will probably do some research tomorrow on the two that I started writing. I will begin at the library tomorrow and maybe go do some on-site investigation/fact gathering. I am also thinking about going to Rockford again tomorrow. I have still quite much curiosity about my mom. I don't know what but I have a feeling there is still some things I need to discover to feel complete closure. As if there really is total closure when we lose someone.

Tomorrow is OFFICIALLY our 30th wedding anniversary. I am not sure how leap years comes into play. I got her that Purple Heart that she earned but it is a surprise so please don't tell her.

Sprint and T-Mobile have reached a deal to merge. Maybe the industry will finally make it better for we consumers.

I am going to end now and will probably blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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