Friday, April 13, 2018

Happy Thomas Jefferson's Birthday

Looks like an entirely new Jeff
Happy Friday the 13th. And, happy Thomas Jefferson's birthday. I am no triskaidekaphobiac. Thirteen has been my favorite number since my beginning and, who doesn't love Fridays? Fish maybe.

It's only 10:03 and I am ready for a nap. Jeff and I were at Autumn Green Animal Hospital in Geneva at 6:54 this morning for his primping appointment. I got to help because he doesn't like all of the kind of attention that he had today and he can be a handful with the beautification process . He got: his nails clipped, his teeth brushed, a shower, his hair conditioned and then blow-dried. He has always hated the blow drying but they do it differently there. They put the dogs in a cage and hook three or four hoses up to dry the fur. Jeff seemed okay with this today. So, while the drying was going on I had to kill 45 minutes. For all of his inconvenience he got a cool bandanna that he is still wearing. I went to Meijer and wandered around.

After I got home I took a couple of boxes of dishes over to Goodwill. I still have a large bag full of towels and sheets... that I need to take over to Tails Humane Society. They use them for bedding and drying the animals after baths and whatnot. Tails is on the other side of town so I am waiting to maybe go there this afternoon and stopping at Hy-Vee to have their salad bar for lunch. They also have really good sushi.

Last night was kind of an ordeal. Jill got to O'Hare International Airport from Austin last night and realized that she had left her coat (with her car keys in the pocket) in the trunk of her rental car which was still in Austin, Texas. So, I got dressed and headed to the airport. I got to United Airlines arrival gate 1A and she got in. I drove her to the hotel where she had left the Fiat while traveling. Of course, I had the spare keys with me and we drove home separately (obviously). Traffic was not bad and the trips weren't bad either way. I guess she has called the rental car place today and her coat and keys will be sent here.

I am watching the news (Newsy) while I write this and they are saying that racism and antisemitism are on the rise around the world. I have never been prejudice against anyone for their: race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs... I may not agree with things that people say or do but I have always been a proponent of the live and let live. I believe people can think whatever they want as long as what they're doing or saying is not hurting someone else. I think a lot of what is going on with our national government has a great deal to do with prejudice and fear and ignorance and just plain meanness. I am a bleeding heart liberal (and always have been) even though some of my family lineage has tried to attack me in that arena with no success. I will not bend on that issue. We all are descendants of immigrants in this country unless you are Native American and, in that case, you are 100% American. So, maybe most of us have some prejudice in our family trees.

I am scheduled for vacation at the end of this month for Jill and my 30th year wedding anniversary. We were talking about going back to Key West but today she was talking about maybe going to Hot Springs, Arkansas. Thanks a lot Hemispheres Magazine. Hemispheres is United's in-flight magazine. After I am done writing this I will Google Hot Springs and I would wager that we are heading to Hot Springs. We will rent a car so as to not put the miles and wear-and-tear on one of our vehicles. I am up for Hot Springs. If it is good enough for Bill Clinton it's good enough for me. I wonder what if half-way between Hot Springs and Dekalb (Illinois not Georgia). I now know that it is 730 miles from here to there. If I average 73 miles per hour we can be there in ten hours.That is provided that we don't stop along the way. Oddly, we would go right though St. Louis and that is where we went on our honeymoon. She was a sport enough to go where I wanted to go 30 years ago so I can be sport enough to go where she wants to go this time. That means I get to decide where we go our 60th anniversary when I am about 85-years-old. The Hot Springs trip goes right through the Mark Twain National Forest. Okay, I'm in!

I am going to end now. I still have the rest of today off and and all of tomorrow off. Wow, then it will almost be time to head to Hot Springs. At this point, I am intending to come back from Arkansas but who knows what could happen while we are there. Have a great weekend though I will probably write again tomorrow unless Friday the thirteenth carries over to tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (13)!

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