Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Big Muddy Here We Come

It is 18:42 on a Tuesday and I am blogging. I got off of work at 18:00 and ordered dinner which I have to pick-up in 15-20 minutes. I do not have to go back to work for 13 days (coincidentally, 13 has always been my favorite number). Jill has to work half the day tomorrow so we are leaving when she gets done. We are driving to St. Louis and we ARE going to the Cardinals' game on Thursday afternoon. She did not bat an eye at that. She's a peach. Speaking of peach I got my Rockford Peaches' cap in the mail today. I will wear that to the Cards' game along with one of my St. Louis jerseys. I also got a Peaches' lapel pin from the museum and I put it on the hat so people don't think the R is for the Boy Wonder. I have about 12 different Cards' hats but I think there will be enough St. Louis caps present. I wore my Chief Wahoo (Cleveland Indians) hat to work today.

While I am talking about fashion - after I go pick up our food at Fatty's I am going to remove all of my facial hair. If I am headed south I am going to tan my entire face. I am not going to decide later that I want to shave it off and find that I have a white-skinned flesh beard underneath. I don't wish to be a pale face. Okay, I have to go get our grub.When I picked-up the food I saw my two bosses there. It was like, when you were a kid, seeing your teacher at the store or something.

Oh man, it is tomorrow already (today to you) now. We have decided to just go to St. Louis and save the money of driving and staying in hotels in Arkansas. We will check into the hotel tonight and go to the game tomorrow. I checked for tickets and they have some seats for as cheap as $3.00. Probably because it's a day game on the MIDDLE of the week.We also may go to Hannibal to visit the Mark Twain stuff again. I have been there many times but I could never get tired of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. I think I am kind of a cantankerous smart ass like he was at times. I think we both acted/act that way just to humor ourselves and keep others on their toes while guessing what might come out of our mouths next.

I did shave my beard yesterday when I got home from work. Jill came home from her work a bit later and she didn't even notice. I guess that is good because I feared that I had gained double chins (more Chins than a Chinese phone book) under that white fur so I was happy that she paid no never-mind. I was pleasantly surprised that I do not have more that one chin.

We do a lot of our grocery shopping at JEWEL and we are collecting the Monopoly pieces for the board game that are running. I guess Safeway is running it too. We only need one piece to complete the area to win $1,000,0000. How many other people need that same piece do you suppose? Who knows, maybe we already have the one that there are only two of and we will get the final piece and then pay off everything and disappear forever. If we did win, unlike many winners of big prizes, we would sell this house and get a smaller one. We are talking about that anyway. This house is too big for two of us and a dog. We would also consider renting it out. It has lots of rooms and a nice backyard and a full basement. Ha, it sounds like I am already advertising to sell it.

Some exciting news, Splenda bought a new car though I suppose it might actually be considered an SUV? Or maybe even a cross-over? I have only seen photos but it looks really, really, nice. It is a NISSAN. I would put the photo that she put on Facebook here but I would not do that without someone's permission. Luckily, for me, Clemens is dead so I felt that I could use his photo.

Okay, I will end now. We are heading to Mound City in a few hours and I am not even packed yet. St. Louis is called Mound City because of the Native American earth mounds that were located throughout the city and surrounding areas. The only one that still that exists in the city is Sugar Loaf Mound which is now owned by the Osage Tribe.

Thanks for coming by. I think we will only be gone for a day or two and I will either blog when I get back or blog from Big Muddy if there is some downtime. Have a great day and night and GO CARDINALS! TTT?...MITM (out)!

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