Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Let's Us Stay in the Black for a Change

This one would be a cool one to have I think
Yesterday I wrote about Pete Rose not being reinstated into Major League Baseball and having a guarantee of getting into the hall-of-fame. He was denied this chance because he did not "reconfigure his life" as was the main criteria for him becoming part of MLB again. I read this morning that he makes over $1,000,000 a year signing autographs at the Field of Dreams store inside Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas a couple of hours a day four days a week. It costs $75 to watch Charlie Hustle sign your 8" X 10" picture, $99 for a signed baseball and $99 for a photo printed and signed on the spot. It is said that he would make more money in five years than he will the entire time he has been there if he could add "HOF" (Hall of Fame) to his signature. The whole idea of autographs seems silly to me these days. When I was young I was always big on getting autographs of famous people and I have many but now I think it is silly, If they put it at the bottom of a check I think I would probably start collecting autographs again. I bet he blows much of the money he gets from the autographs right there at Caesar's Palace. The highest purchased autographs ever (at least on record) were: George Washington's Act of Congress signed by the father of our country himself ($9.8 million) and Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation signed by the great emancipator himself ($3.7 million).

643,000 in Los Angeles don't have to go to school today as all of the schools were shut-down due to an unspecified threat. This included all schools from grade schools though high schools. This is similar to what was happening to universities not long ago (including the one right here in the town where I currently hang my hat. It seems to me like this is some kind of a secret competition between a couple of groups of anti-establishment types. This is just happening too frequently now. Or is it just the same people doing it over and over to see how far they can go without getting caught?| It's like they get off on the rush as if it is a huge game of Dungeons and Dragons for them. Why schools? Because our children are the most precious things and they want to create the most terror? I have about twenty theories as to who they may be and why this keeps happening. My theories are probably all incorrect.
ALL Los Angeles schools closed today because of threat
Sixty years ago today Johnny Cash visited Folsom County Prison and recorded the album (Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison) that would help Joaquin (Leaf) Phoenix's acting career. I like the film Walk the Line I have to admit. I heard a lot of Johnny Cash as a youngster as my parents listened to him a great deal but I didn't really start appreciating him. I am kind of surprised he wasn't a member of the Traveling Wilburys with Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Jeff Lynn, Willie Nelson and George Harrison. I guess the Wilburys started because Harrison needed a B-side for This is Love and his buddies happened to be doing stuff in other studios at Warner Brothers Studios and magic just happened as it many times does, Too bad you weren't there that day Johnny.

I heard on the radio that retail sales are down this holiday season and it is being blamed on the unseasonable nice weather in most of the country. Because of this many retailers made their Cyber Monday sales last an entire week. Some of the biggies that extended their on-line sales were: Macy's, J.C. Penny. Kohl's, Target, Walmart, Amazon... There have been many, many more sales than I have ever seen before this time of the year. I just don't even fall for them any longer. It just goes to show that we can control the market and prices if we stick together and don't buckle to all of the retail hype and peer pressures that many Americans exhibit. I have been guilty of this many times over the years but, with age, comes wisdom. It also shows that they are gouging us with their prices as they can lower the prices when they need to recoup their money. I am sick of capitalism.
Why should we all be the only ones in the red?

I have to get some more things done so I had better wrap-up. Today we finally get the new dishwasher installed that we bought over two or three weeks ago. The Whirlpool one we bought was out of stock and we had to wait for it to come in and then get scheduled with the installer. I don't suppose that got figured into the low retail sales because we bought it before the holiday rush. I have been washing dishes by hand since we bought it because the old one doesn't drain the water properly and didn't clean them well enough anyway. One of the things I need to get done is to wash the dishes by hand one more time. Maybe I should just put them in the oven so we can try out the new dishwasher right away? No, I will wash them and hold the excitement until after we have dinner dishes tonight.

I hope you have a great rest of your Tuesday and thank you, for always for stopping by. Keep the pressure on by not shopping. Retail is like the stock market right now - let's wait until the prices are low before we buy like crazy again. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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