Monday, December 14, 2015

For Pete's Sake Pierce Brosnan

Back home again after a weekend in the south. It was very nice weather all weekend; it was in the upper 60's temperature-wise. We helped Splenda get ready for her art show that begins next weekend. She graduates from college next week. The drive home was rainy nearly the entire way. We figured that we would be home at midnight but we got here at about 22:30.

I just got back from a doctor's appointment just a bit ago and my blood pressure seems to be elevated; we all have to die of something and my head will just explode I guess. Maybe it was from driving from Southern Illinois to Northern Illinois in pouring down rain last night. My weight is a bit elevated from my last visit to see him too. Doctors seldom have good things to say unless they are delivering babies. It must be a depressing job giving people bad news all the time. I guess they can get over that easy since they probably get all the good drugs. I have to have some lab work done whenever I feel like it. I could have had them done today but I had put some Dasani flavoring in my water this morning. I had nothing else to eat or drink since about 18:00 last night/

I am so sick of advertisements in every form and fashion; on radio, in magazine and newspapers, on television, before movies in the theater, billboards, on buses... Now that I think about it I don't mind ads that are product placements in shows but not mentioned. If they show someone drinking a certain brand of beverage or eating a snack in a movie or on a television program I think that it is clever and I actually admire that as long as it doesn't take me away from the story.

Typing the word "movies" reminded me that Cha Cha and I saw a movie while I was on my blogging hiatus. We saw the new James Bond film Spectre. I was very curious after Pierce Brosnan bad-mouthed the film though he said Daniel Craig did a great job. I think Brosnan is just angry that he isn't Bond anymore and Daniel Craig is the actor that replaced him. Brosnan played Bond in: Die Another DayGoldeneyeThe World is Not Enough, and Tomorrow Never Dies. I think Craig is the best Bond of all though Connery was pretty damn good. I really liked the film. It did not seem too long to me, as Brosnan said, but I do agree with him the Craig did a great job. I wonder who the next Bond will be? I think Craig will do three more films and then they will switch actors again. That is just based on a hunch that I have.
Is that Pete Rose or Lou Costello?
Today was the day that Pete Rose was to find out whether or not Major League Baseball Commissioner Ron Manfred would lift his ban of Pete Rose from baseball. When the two met in September Rose told the Commissioner that he still bets on baseball today in Las Vegas where he currently lives. The Commissioner said that Rose "does not present credible evidence of a reconfigured life either by an honest acceptance of him of his wrong doing. I was a huge Pete Rose fan as a kid and I still have a folder somewhere with all of the newspaper and magazine clippings of his achievements. My parents even took us to a Reds' game in Cincinnati when the Big Red Machine was at their height of success. I am disappointed but I do agree with the Commissioners' decision. What kind of reformed gambling addict live in Las Vegas? One that doesn't ever intend to stop. I enjoy playing poker and blackjack but I, fortunately, know when to quit. I can see how one can get sucked-in if they are a celebrity that everyone extends credit to. I wonder if all of my Pete Rose cards baseball cards are worthless now?

Okay, I have to get dinner started. Thanks for stopping by; I always appreciate you giving me a reason to write; I suppose this blog is one of my addictions. I hope you have a great night. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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