Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Matts In The Belfry or Matt In The Fogy?

We recorded the podcast last night and I have been up since about 2:30AM editing it. It is being converted into the proper format (For Matt) to uploaded to Podomatic and iTunes. I am not really sure that the show is very good this week because we were both a little tipsy and drinking during the show and things always seem to seem funnier when there's liquor involved. I am gonna put it up as is because with Dirty Laundry Podcast you get us the way we really are for the most part. At least I know not every show can win a Podbody Award! I would have thought that with as much wine as I drank I would have slept later but I just fell awake so decided to come on down to the studio and get it rolling. I know I will be tired later but I am off today. Fabio has a basketball game against cross-cornfield rival Sycamore High School today but that isn't until 6PM so I may be napping later.

It's always hard (TWSS) doing a blog right after we do a podcast because I don't want to repeat what we talk about on the podcast on here; being a multi-media star has disadvantages and obstacles. Most will never know my pain. Speaking of pain I have a headache in the back of my head again. I know it's sinuses but what the hell? I love when it's cool enough to have the windows open but then the pollen comes in - maybe I am allergic to Moscato? Who cares?

Have you heard about the new synthetic marijuana that is legal? I heard that a young teenage boy in my town had a heart attack from smoking it. I also heard that it is illegal in our town now. I don't know if either of these are true but I thought that I would let people know what I have heard so you can be vigilant and stay away from this stuff until more is known about it. I guess it is called K2. My guess is that it will become illegal everywhere very soon.

Remember last week I told you that I came up on the business-end of a skunk and didn't get sprayed? Well, this week I was "attacked" by a bat. It didn't really attack me but it swooped down on me and then as I looked up it circled and swooped back down on the other side of me - it was "buzzing the tower." I felt like saying "negative, the pattern is full" but it didn't request permission for a fly-by it just did it. It disappeared up under an awning and I went under looking for it but it had disappeared. Maybe it wasn't really a bat but some kind of ghostly spirit but now, either way, I don't know how smart it was to go looking for it after it disappeared. what was I gonna do if I went under there and there was a whole colony of bats? Yes, they are called a colony and I do not even know why I know that. There was a time when I knew what a group of most animals is called. My favorites have always been: a murder of crows and a business of ferrets. I think I may have mentioned that here before but it bears repeating - incidentally, a group of bears is called a sleuth of bears.
No big whoop!
The podcast is loading more quickly than usual. It seems that it loads faster when the rest of the world isn't using the wifi and/or our modem to play their war game videos in the house. Note to self, upload the podcast early in the morning while the rest of the world sleeps.

Cha Cha and I had an interesting discussion last week. I mentioned Funk & Wagnalls and she didn't have any idea what I was talking about. Funk & Wagnalls was the main dictionary / encyclopedia when I was a kid. I thought everybody knew Funk & Wagnalls. I am only 11 months older than her but maybe in that 11 months is where old fogy starts. I may actually be in the old fogy stage of my life. I may not be Matt In The Middle anymore but am now Matt In The Fogy!

I'll be right back I am going to go up and make a salmon salad sandwich. We had salmon on the grill the other night (that is to say I cooked it on the grill we did not sit on the grill eating it) and there was some left and I made salmon salad (like tuna salad but with salmon) and the fish usually bite this time of morning I am told. I should probably cut the bog off here too so I can finish getting the podcast up.

Have a great day and, as always, thanks for stopping by and read the rantings of a fogy on the edge. Enjoy you Hump Day and don't do anything I'd like to watch but if you do post it on YouTube so I can watch it later. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out)

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