Friday, March 26, 2010

Reward! Lost, One Notepad!

Well, I am apparently having a middle moment. I cannot find my notepad so all of those fantastic thoughts I have had may be lost or they will appear on someone else's blog or will appear here when I find my notepad. I have always had a superior memory, as I recall. I was always irritated by people who didn't remember things and now I am starting to be that person; I irritate myself. Another thing that I find is that my eyesight is starting to take a turn toward the darkside (hopefully that isn't foreshadowing for my life story). About 2 months ago I had my eyes tested and I have 20/15 vision which is great. That means I can see 20 feet away what most people have to be 15 feet away to see. I still have that but I am starting to have problems with the small things (writing) in poor light. I have a pair of those glasses like Santa Claus wears on the end of his nose when he's reading his Naughty and Nice List. If you want to hide from me stand really close in poor light...if you get 20 feet away you cannot hide. I'm guessing when I find my note pad it will be right next to me. Actually, I guarantee it!

I am feeling depressed again this morning about being unemployed. It seems to come in waves. I have long believed that men have cycles the same as women but we don't have the obvious signs like women. No joke, I sincerely do believe this. It used to be no matter what I was happy on Friday but now that every day is the same Friday may as well be Monday - I'm getting ripped off of The Friday Phenomenon (patent pending). I probably have some good qualities but society has made me believe that my worth is measured by what I do. I know a lot of people who have really good jobs who are the biggest jerks I know so I realize this is balderdash. I do laundry, clean garages, do dishes, make dinner, work on cars, do the grocery shopping, write a blog, take out the garbage, look for a job (that was yesterday anyway). Those are all admirable things to do but it's not a job. I contribute financially with my unemployment and my part-time job; I bring home fairly good money with unemployment and, depending on how much I work at my other job, it's even better so it's not about the money. It's just the guilt that has been laid on me by my self-imposed thoughts about what I am SUPPOSED to be doing. I will work it out in my head as I always do. I am kind of like a dog; throw a ball and all of a sudden I forget about everything else and I'm wagging my tail with my tongue hanging out. See, men really are dogs!

Well, I have to pack my backpack for The Dells. My daughter comes home from Costa Rica tonight and I won't be here to see her. At least when she hits America I can text her and talk to her. I will grab another notepad for the trip to lose. I may or may not write another blog before Monday. I have to work a concert Sunday night so this is gonna be a packed three days; no spare time, basketball and waterparks should lift me out of my funk? I hope I have shaken the blues before I meet up with Paul Bunyan Sunday morning. (blues / Babe ha!)

Thanks for the's good to "talk" it out. Mark you calendar and see if I have a similar posting in about 28 days...speaking of 28 days I also have a theory on the calendar that I will discuss in my next blog. There's the cliffhanger....

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