Tuesday, March 30, 2010

28 days has September, April, June, et al

April is almost here and it’s approaching 11 months without a job. Maybe I have been looking in the wrong places. Maybe I need to find several part-time jobs rather than one full-time job. That whole going to college thing really isn’t paying off right now. I have one part-time job now and maybe with two more I would be working full-timeish. There’s also a fine-line I need to walk in order not to mess up my unemployment benefits. It’s seemed like either all or nothing but beggars (let’s hope it doesn’t come to that) can’t be choosers. Fortunately for our family Jill has always carried our health insurance because her work has great insurance. I really feel for people who have that obstacle to face every day too. I'm glad the government is trying to help these people.

By writing this blog I am trying to pursue my passion for writing again; maybe that college thing will pay off in a sense. Partially because of writing this blog an old friend and I, who is also interested in writing, are going to begin to bounce our creative ideas off of one another and see where that can lead us. He/she (mysterious, huh?) and I are going to become each other’s muses of sorts after he/she contacted me partially, I believe, because of this blog. It was his/her idea to inspire and motivate one another and I couldn’t be more excited. I am hopeful and optimistic that something will come of this meeting of the minds; I hope I meet the minimum requirements - having a mind worth meeting. It’s kind of sad how we fall away from our passions to do jobs we really don’t like because we get caught up in what society tells us we should want. I wish I had just followed what I loved and let the compensation come later if at all. Our society makes us to believe that we should do a certain thing and be at a certain stage so we get off track to obtain their ideals of what is right by the time we get to the middle stages of our lives. I wish I had just been a hobo and ridden the rail writing about my adventures but then I wouldn't have all this "stuff". Has Navin Johnson taught us nothing?

Ok, so I have said I would discuss my 28-day theory. I have not really investigated it much but I believe the cycle of life and existence was originally intended to be focused around a 28-day calendar. The women’s cycle is 28 days and I firmly believe that male cycles follow the same pattern though we don’t have the same obvious external signs. (I have begun marking my inaccurately-numbered calendar to start my study). Rulers throughout history have added days to the calendar here and there to honor themselves or to make their harvests easier or whatever and the calendar has become what it is today. I think that February is the only month that is still as the cosmos had intended. Now that I actually put this in writing I am going to have to investigate this theory more and I will let you know what I find. Help me by letting me know anything that you think of that either supports or debunks my theory. Women are the givers of life and it would make sense that MOTHER nature would honor that thankless task. If we'd had followed the women since the beginning maybe we wouldn't have all the problems we have today.

Time to wake the troops and start making lunches... Have a great day on what should be April 2nd because I don't believe in March 29th or 30th. I'll bug you again tomorrow if you'll let me.

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