Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lipton, Breakfast and the I-pod

WE NEED TO USE LESS FUEL AGAIN! THEY ARE DRIVING THE PRICES UP ON US JUST LIKE BEFORE - RIDE YOUR BIKES! As Freddie Mercury said - Fat bottom girls you make this rockin' world go 'round...get on your bikes and ride!" (can you tell I was in Cleveland.... read on).

Back to reality. Being away for just two days changes everything. It seemed like weeks. We also packed a lot into the two days (mostly driving - which made me think of the fuel prices - why is Ohio 20 cents per gallon cheaper?) so the time flew and we had a great father/son bonding time. My son initially didn't want to go to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland so we went there late Sunday night when it was lit up so I could at least see it. The Pyramid-shaped building looking like the Lovre must have made an impression because yesterday morning he decided, somewhat out of the blue, that he wanted to go to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. We went but I was disappointed, but understood, that they didn't allow cameras inside. I don't think it's what my son expected though - I think he was looking for more contemporary performers which there are very few of as you might imagine. My parental manipulation worked, however, so I got my way and he thinks it was his idea...win win. I think I liked the house where A Christmas Story was filmed better because it was closed on Mondays and that saved me some money - just like a dad on a trip, huh? Luckily they can't close up the outside which is probably all that's worth seeing anyway.

I am sure everybody is tired about my blabbing about weight-loss and excercise but I said I would blog about Lipton, breakfast and the I-Pod so here it comes...

Lipton's Green Tea To Go and White Tea To Go have been instrumental in making me drink more water. Zero fat, zero calories, zero sodium. It's pretty much just flavoring that makes me want to drink water rather than diet pop. I drink a lot of water everyday and, unlike diet sodas, it doesn't make me have to spend half of my day exercising my bladder. Did you see what I did there with the play on "exercising"? I have also heard that if you drink really cold water the body has to work to warm it up and that burns calories though I am sure it is very minuscule if it is true at all. I have tried other brands but Lipton has the best flavors and selections.
***Corporate sponsorship would be fabulous*** I am shameless (comes with unemployment).

I was never a breakfast eater until very recently. It's weird because it was never a time factor since I am usually up hours before everyone else anyway. Historically, I have never cared too much for most breakfast foods so, duh, I mostly eat non-breakfast foods in the morning but I do like the Smart Ones English muffin sandwiches a lot. I was going for over half of a full day (12+ hours) without any food (like 10PM - 12PM the next day). My body was storing fat because it thought it was starving...stupid fat body. Now I get food in it as soon as I am awake and it burns it off properly. Not to mention the fact that I am not as hungry at lunch time so I don't overeat.
***Breakfast corporate sponsors welcome...Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine come to mind***

My I-Pod Nano (mine is pink of course) is probably one of my best friends in the whole world. She's my main work-out partner (always with me on the bike, walking, lifting, sit-ups...usually with the "workout" playlist on) and my decompressor/soother ("zen" and "island" playlists). She is with me wherever I go unless she is eating which she does alone as we have different tastes. I am not big on downloaded food yet though one day that will probably be all the rage (patent pending). It probably took the astronauts to get used to the crap they eat too. One of the best things my I-Pod has done for me is that she has encouraged me to move. She has a built in pedometer that measures every step I take (Sting) and downloads it automatically to Nike+Active and measures me and helps me to push myself. Help me come up with a name for my I-Pod - she needs a name!
***Corporate sponsors Apple I-POD AND Nike are very, very, very welcome***

I vowed to myself to make this blog shorter so you would keep reading my blogs so I am going to stop now. USE LESS FUEL - HELP THE PLANET AND SAVE SOME MONEY WHILE GETTING FIT! Next I will go through my notebook from the trip and fire off on several unrelated topics and nothing about weight - probably more on being unemployed. Now off to clean out the garage, find Jill's denim jacket-thingy and do some more laundry!!!

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