Friday, March 19, 2010

Pros on being Fat & Cons on being a man

As you remember from my last blog I teased with "how could losing weight make things worse?". I will address that firstly since I know you have been on the edge (or maybe the middle) of your seat in anticipation. A little background on my weight history to get you up to speed. I started my new way of life (more activity and less food) gradually in February 2009 (about 13 months ago). At that time I weighed 266 pounds. The largest ever recorded weight of a Matt Helser in captivity was 284. That is not to say I didn't weigh more at any time but I didn't weigh myself often when I was at my fighting (eating) weight. I now weigh 189 with a goal of 175. There is no question that I will make that weight. I am a member of Weight Watchers online and I workout 3-4 times a week at home with weights/abs and I go to the YMCA 3-4 every week for cardio; right now I am into the elliptical machines. Additionally, I either walk, run or ride my bike whenever it is practical and sometimes even when it isn't. I am saving my waistline and the planet all at the same time; 2012 will not be my fault. My life is SO MUCH better health-wise than before simply because of losing weight and toning my muscles; which helps off-set, somewhat, the not having a job thing. I will get to more of how my life is better later but there are some things I didn't know when I was heavier - I seemed to get more respect (in a different way) when I was large. My height hasn't changed, of course, but people seemed nicer to me when I was large. Maybe it was pity. I would be asked to do more things that required strength when I was fatter. Ironically, with my workouts, I am actually quite a bit stronger now but people seem to perceive me as weaker. I also blend into a crowd more now whereas I stuck out (pun intended) before. I have always been the guy that wants to be the life of the party but it was a lot easier to be "the center of attention" (that's for Jill) when the smaller planets were orbiting around me. I guess that's why the sun gets so much respect - his weight exudes power. It has never been about the attention itself; I like when people are happy and have always done whatever it takes to make people I like happy even at the risk of my own happiness sometimes. (Wow, this cyber-blogging psychiatrist thing is working already). Maybe people are more threatened by a thin person? Maybe they feel they are better than the fat guy? Maybe they feel sorry for a fat guy? I don't know but the benefits of being thin far out-weigh the disadvantages. I will get to all of those in a later blog.

I re-read my blog from yesterday and I wrote that I would discuss why it's so hard to be a man. Firstly, I realize now that this is an asinine statement given: Biblical times, the Mongols, any world slavery, any war, piracy on the high seas, coming to America, medieval times, the westward expansion of the U.S....When I start the list maybe it's actually a far cry from the hardest time in history to be a man. I did say in my lifetime and in America - still poppycock. I am just a product of our pampered American culture and have become sissified I suppose. But gosh darn it I am man enough to admit it; see how tough I have it - I've got to admit stuff. Because of most events throughout America's history the man has been made to think he was to be the main provider and protector for the family while the mother was the main nurturer and care-giver. Because of this the men have been paid more (which I always found unfair) and now because of the male-dominated work-place the women are now the ones that are keeping their jobs because they are equally qualified to do the work and they had lower salaries so the companies are keeping them and their salaries...Good For You Womankind! Our male egos have betrayed us. Maybe when the complete overthrow of men occurs you will keep me on since I have always been sympathetic to your plight and I have no problem being subservient. The whole domestic warlord thing should look good on my resume too. For some reason Planet of the Apes comes to mind. Keep your stinking paws off me you damned dirty woman (I will NEVER say that in real life).

First Day of kids' Spring Break was yesterday. What I did:

Took my daughter to her school for trip to Costa Rica
(she's lucky we paid for this before I got laid-off)
Did 6 loads of laundry (wash, dry, fold, deliver)
Cleaned the kitchen (dishes...)
Rode bike across town with my son to pick up Jill's medicine
Stopped at Subway on the way back to have lunch
Made the bed (a made bed is really nice)
Worked out (weights and sit-ups)
Vacuumed the upstairs (after taking vacuum apart to find clog)
Searched the usual internet sites for employment (applied at two)
Son and I rode bikes to Baskin Robbins (they are gone)
Rode to McDonald's so he could get his ice cream fix
Stopped by grocery store on the way home for dinner supplies
Grilled lemon pepper chicken and made strawberry shortcake
Played catch with my son (he's a needy little man already)
Waited until 11:00PM to find daughter arrived safely in Costa Rica
Got my first blog followers - thanks Jen and Trisha
Got my first blog comment / compliment - thanks John
Got my first face-to-face blog compliment - thanks Lisa
Got my first person telling another about my blog - Lisa to Kathy
I'm like Matt BLOG-oavich (from Illinois) with better hair

Now off to the Y-M-C-A (I know you just sang that) for 6 miles on the elliptical.

I will do one more blog early tomorrow morning before heading to Cleveland to see The Cavaliers take on the Detroit Pistons. Maybe the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame too? Then I won't do another until probably Tuesday morning...let the withdrawals begin.

I think tomorrow's topic will be Poker and Golf vs. Tupperware and Toys

Thanks a lot for listening/reading. I really do appreciate you!


  1. I hear ya on the way you are treated in different weight categories. Love your blogs. Have a great day!
