Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I Hope All of Your Wildest Dream Come True!

I am certainly feeling my great, great grandfather's age today. I suppose not quite that age as all of my great, great grandparents are dead. In fact, so are all of my great grandparents and my grandparents. I am sore in many places but I am still attributing that to me being sick for about a week. Combine that and walking 15 - 17 miles a day (steps-wise) while in the space of a large prison cell. Most days I feel like a caged tiger pacing back-and-forth. I cough all the time if I don't have a lozenge in my mouth and I still have a little bit of the possible conjunctivitis though I may have allergies so I am taking some Claritin. The tablets they have now just dissolve on my tongue with zero taste - that is pretty cool.What will they think of next?

This morning I had a doctor's appointment in Batavia;  just one of those six-month follow-up deals so he can keep the lights on in his mansion... I liked that he said "perfect" about seven times while talking about my blood pressure and weight and the other things he had me up on the rack for. After I got home from the doctor I did 20-miles on the stationary bike in the basement. I would have liked to ride my bike out in the world but it is too tempting to not peddle when I ride a regular bicycle. I want to get the full benefit of the 20 miles - NO COASTING! So, after my "ride" I went and weighed-in for the week and I lost another 6.6 pounds over this past week. I was surprised to learn that but delighted, of course. That puts me at 56.8 pounds gone since I began this trek in late December. I still have some more ground to cover here but I will continue to not gather any moss in this department.
Isn't that Tom Hagen?
While I rode the bike I watched one of my favorite stories and films of all time - To Kill A Mockingbird on Netflix. I do not believe I could ever watch that movie or read that book too many times. Nelle Harper Lee was a special writer. I watched another movie since I last wrote a blog that would recommend too. It starred the original Godfather Robert DeNiro (if you are a Mario Puzo-style Godfather fanatic like I am you know what I mean by "original"). The movie is on HBO this month ad it is called The Intern. I didn't know much about it but, if it has Bobby D in it, it is worth a look-see. I was quite happy I watched it.

I wanted to write a blog over the past few days but I have had lots of things to do. Sunday is my only FULL day with Cha Cha right now (we do have Saturday nights too thankfully) so I do my chores on the days when she is working. Of course, I mowed the lawn again. I usually do the grocery shopping all in one day visit three to four stores to get all of our week's booty. I also gathered some firewood for the fire pit as it is that time of year again. I cannot remember everything else because, one I do the chore, it is off my list until it is back on the list the following week.

There was a young girl killed in our town this past week. Apparently, her boyfriend stabbed her several times and then stuck her in a closet in her apartment and covered her with debris. When the police arrived a few days later he was there, in her apartment, with a couple of buddies. Her mother called the police when she had learned that her daughter had called-off of work and did not answer or return calls from her mother, I learned from a friend that the dead girl had a young daughter and that she worked in Batavia at Portillo's. Thankfully, this boyfriend is a total idiot so the crime could be solved so quickly and easily.
 They drive me batty! 

My buddy Eddie Z., who lives in Colorado now, is going to be in the area soon for a reunion and it looks as though, if schedules can coordinate, we will get to see one another. There are a few other mutual friends with hopes that will work into the mix too. I wrote here many, many months ago that I would not take part in any reunions for the rest of my life but that referred to large reunions like class reunions and that sort of thing. It is ironic, sort of, that Ed is coming back to this area for a reunion and I will be reuniting with Ed because of that reunion but I will not take part in any reunions. So, am I taking part in a reunion once removed?

Believe it or not I have to go to the store again. I have to get some bananas and grapes for my lunches for the next four days. I am not sure what to make for dinner either now that I think of it. Last night I grilled asparagus with garlic, pink salt and olive oil along with chicken breasts. It was all delicioso!

Thanks a lot for stopping by and giving me a reason to continue to write. I cannot say when I will blog again but my prediction is that it will be within the next week. I hope all of your wildest dreams come true before I blog again. TTT???...MITM (out) TA!

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