Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Blog of Total (or slight) Consciousness

Better than the other choices we have
A few blogs ago I wrote about one my guilty pleasures of watching The Andy Griffith Show most days.Yesterday, after I got done writing the blog, I watched another of my all-time favorite shows - Little House on the Prairie. I guess I like good people and simpler times (or tougher times too in many ways). The episode "The Election" was on and I was blubbering like a baby. After that I switched over to The Andy Griffith Show and "The Mountain Wedding" episode was on which was the first appearance of Ernest T. Bass.

I lost 0.8 pounds this week/ I was 0.4 pounds shy of reaching my 60 pounds lost so far. I am pretty sure I can lose that measly 0.4 pounds within a week, If I should happen to die between now and next Tuesday can someone make sure to check to see that I reached my week's goal? Thank you in advance.

While I am typing today I am watching The Outlaw Josey Wales. Clint Eastwood made some very great films. Does "very" ever have to precede "great" or is that redundant? I have always liked Chief Dan George. And Will Sampson too. I was never much of a fan of Sandra Locke though. I am not sure why I always have to be watching something while I blog. Maybe if I just blogged it would go faster and there wouldn't be so many typos and errors. I think the typos and such make it more personal and charming in a way. I suppose that is a lie but it makes me feel better to pretend that way though.

I read that Lady Gaga has been banned from entering China by the Communist Party after meeting with the Dalai Lama. I suppose that is a big deal when you are a worldwide entertainer but I would not mind if Lady gaga were banned here; I am not much of a fan though I have liked a few of her songs.
You'd think she could find some better jeans to wear to meet with the Lama 

I have not watched or listened to much news so I don't really know or care what is going on in the world. I know that it is pretty nice outside and that is really all I need to know I guess. What else do I know? I know where I will be tomorrow. I know that I bought groceries today. I know I rode the stationary bike 20 miles (in one spot) this morning and it still was not enough to lose 1.2 pounds so I cannot imagine what the weigh-in would have been like had I not peddled those 20 miles. I know hat I am tired from peddling 20 miles this morning.

I just heard that there was an attack at an airport in Istanbul, Turkey and there are at least 28 dead and dozens more injured so far. It was a gun and suicide attack. Why are so many people in the world so angry?

I guess Cha Cha has a date tonight with our next door neighbor Phyllis so I may go to bed early tonight though, when I do that, I wake-up early and that makes the next day go very slowly because I get tired. We have so many decisions to make in our lives that determine how the rest of our days or weeks or months or years or decades... will end-up going. I prefer to let somebody else make my decisions so I have a scapegoat when things go south. Why is south the direction we use when things are going badly. Maybe that is a rhetorical question in some ways but I like a lot of things in the south. Puerto Rico is nice. I really like Key West. I went to school in southern Illinois and my favorite baseball team is from the south (I think St. Louis is considered south - I know it is south of where I live) I guess "south" just like most things is a relative term depending on your point of view (literally in many ways).

I am done blogging for the week. I will probably blog again on Sunday or maybe even Saturday night with my exciting life. Thank you for stopping-by. TTTT (this weekend)...MITM (out) TA!

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